What I Wore 27.06.09

This is what I wore to my friend's goodbye party! She is going to Canada for a semester abroad & I am simultaneously happy for her & devastated to see her go! She had an 'Around the World' party so I went as a German. There were pretty awesome costumes on display (which hopefully the owners of will not mind me reposting here...).

These are my very best friends whom I all love dearly & will hopefully forgive me for putting up their photos.

Me & Boy, who went as a pilot. I had stolen his jacket here... but you get the idea :P

Me with my beautiful friend who is leaving! I will miss you!


p.s I got my costume from Walk the Plank on Canning Highway, for any Perth people looking for cute costumes! They are very helpful & lovely so I highly recommend going there!



  1. Certainly looks like you had some fun. Think I may pinch this idea of an 'Around the World' party for my next soiree.

  2. aww i love your cute little german outfit. and i must LOL at the man maid with the thongs in the first pic


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!