WHAT I WORE | It's A Mod, Mod World

HELLO! I am back yet again! It's been so long since I blogged that my account was suspended because of "suspicious activity"? 'SCUSE ME?! Ain't no tomfoolery going on here, Google! 

I have had a busy couple of months. First of all, I got a new job! As much as I loved working at Pigeonhole, I felt like it was time to try something new, so now I'm working at a wallpaper/antiques store. It's so much closer to my house and best of all IT ISN'T OPEN SUNDAYS (or Friday nights, for that matter)! And I have a lot more time off, so today Aidan and I went out to brunch at Lincolns 102. It's such a cute cafe and the food was so fresh and crazy amazing.

I wore this dress I got from ASOS a while ago - it's a wee bit short but it is one of my favourite dresses at the moment. I feel a need for more '60s mod dresses in my wardrobe (unfortunately the need for the bills to be paid on time is slightly greater at the moment). The Ben Sherman coat is one I got about two years ago - it's not actually that warm but it's pretty handy for Perth's trying-to-be-Melbourne, four seasons in one day weather.

ASOS dress | Ben Sherman coat | Rubi flats | Steve Buscemi badge from Napkin Items | Michael Hill ring 

The Steve Buscemi badge is especially appropriate because Aidan and I are re-watching Boardwalk Empire before the new season starts in September. Whenever I wear this badge I get asked either "Who IS that?" and, when they know who it is, simply "Why?", with a genuinely concerned look on their face. Well, to be honest it was a random Etsy purchase where I also bought a ring with a miniature baby on it and so I don't really know why. But then again, when can a Steve Buscemi badge not improve an outfit? It certainly improves my day to look down and see that little bug-eyed face in a red glittery heart.

And until next time, I'll leave you with one of my favourite (and appropriate for this post, given the mod-inspired outfit) songs at the moment. Have an excellent Wednesday!

I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!