Let The Children Boogie

If you follow a lot of Perth blogs you'll probably have already seen these pictures, but these are from the Blogger's Deville's night that happened last Saturday (and that I am only just getting around to posting about. Eep!). Jessie had told me how wonderful Deville's was, but I'd never gone because I was stressed about the 'over-25s preferred' policy they have going on. I shouldn't have worried, though, we got in fine and I later saw my sister's friend who had managed to get in wearing jeans, skate shoes and a hoodie... so much for the ultra-strict dress code!

It was such an amazing place - they played all the '60s music that I love, there were incredibly cheap and tasty drinks, and I got to show off my go-go dancing skills (well, 'skills' is debatable) with a bunch of lovely Perth blogging ladies! I had so much fun and I can't wait for the next night out! Thanks to Jessie for organising such a great night and thanks to Alexis, the girls from Le Fanciulle, Lisa, Ally, and Kaye for being there and being awesome!

In case you're interested, I was wearing a vintage dress from Etsy, black tights, black heeled brogues from Betts & had a clutch from Williams the Shoeman, I think. It was $2 or something ridiculous like that but has served me well on many a night out! And can you please ignore my fringe in some of the photos... it's getting too long to curl up so I need to get it cut soon. I'm too nervous to cut it myself!

{Photos 1, 2 & 3 from Amgoorie, 4 & 5 from Fickle Sense, and 6 by Le Fanciulle}

1 comment:

  1. awwwww looks like you had a fantastic time! sooooo bummed I couldn't make it :(

    next time... next time...

    love that red on you too! its really your colour!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!