Restyle Recap

{check out all the individual Restyle posts here!}

So 30 Days of Restyle is over for the month and I thought I'd share a little recap of all my outfits. I was actually pretty proud with what I came up with, although there are some outfits I definitely won't be repeating (flannel shirt and satin skirt? What?!). It definitely pushed my comfort zone, which was a great if unexpected side effect! 

If I were to do another challenge like this, I would definitely spend more time hemming and adjusting some of the clothes. I think it's really important with op-shop clothes to not look like you're dressing in a costume; I tried to mix the clothes with my everyday wardrobe so they wouldn't look too dated (though I still think some of the skirts are a smidge too long...). 

But most importantly it was great to support these great charities and be able to give something back. I hope this has inspired you guys to look in some more op-shops when you need a bit of a shopping fix! Thanks so much for all your amazing comments and support with this project, and thanks to PFF and Lotterywest for being such lovely hosts!


1 comment:

  1. So sad this is over! I loved every single outfit of yours during this challenge. You are right that it takes a bit of work to have a wardrobe heavy in second-hand - all the altering & hemming & things. It's so worth it though (obviously, looking at your awesome outfits)!


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