What I Wore 12.11.08

Today I studied pretty much exclusively, and only had a teensy break to meet Boy in the city for lunch. We went to the David Jones foodhall and got served by incredibly rude people. Fun.

Cardigan: Jay Jays//Corsage: Equip//"Mod vs. Rocker" Top: Ben Sherman//Singlet (underneath): Target//Skirt: Dotti//Tights: Equip//Shoes: Target//Glasses: Vogue

I will be soooooo relieved by 5.30 tomorrow when this stupid exam is over! I look like DEATH. The circles under my eyes are monstrous. I'm surprised I haven't been pursued by any amourous pandas, such is the resemblence!
How is everyone doing?


  1. Amorous pandasThat makes me think you're dressed in a panda suit romancing them a la Noir. Oh yes, I went there.

    My exam will be over by then too! High five! Although I finsh at half four and then start work at five. The trials!


  2. I'm feeling hammered as well. Work was crazy!
    You look gorgeous in the second pic!

  3. Yoooou've been blogged about!

  4. Eeek hope the exam goes well! LOVE the corsage!!!

  5. Good luck with the exam! I love the all black with the cream shoes and flower, very chic. One of my favourite colour combinations.

  6. Oh good luck with the exam! Get lots of sleep afterwards as a reward!

  7. emily jane - Haha I did think of the Noir when I wrote that! Good luck with exam & work!

    annie - thank you! ♥

    em - THANK YOU (for both your lovely comment & the blog mention!!)

    dapper kid - thanks, I'm trying to make an effort to wear it more!

    mikkle - I bought it pretty much straight after the movie so I feel like a bit of a sheep (baaa)! Oh well, I haven't seen too many others around!

    robyn - mine too! Very easy but still looks chic & put-together!

    miss karen - I will! I'm actually excited about sleep. How much of a sleep nerd does THAT make me?

  8. Lack of amorous pandas may have something to do with the lack of bamboo in Perth...

  9. btw, good luck with the exam!

  10. i so thought i had already commented on this! anyway, you look amazing. we need to catch up next week! hope you have a lovely weekend xox

  11. gin fancier - Thank you!
    amanda - Aw, thanks! Yes we will definitely catch up some time next week :)


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