Sunday Songs 26.06.11

Hello! While I am nursing a rather sore head and dreaming about getting my hands on a Big Mac, I thought I would post some more Sunday Songs.

♥ Greenskeepers  - Lotion
Whenever the weather gets colder, I have this urge to have scary movie marathons and I recently rewatched Silence of the Lambs. This song's based on the "It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again" lines from the book, and is so insanely creepy and cool and freaky. But I love it.

♥ The Vines - Gimme Love
I'm quite looking forward to reviewing The Vines this coming Wednesday (it was meant to be last Wednesday but was delayed because of the stupid ash cloud) and I love their video for the first track from their new album, with its whole Scott Pilgrim vibe and everything. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World is in my top five favourite movies, have I mentioned that enough yet? Anyway. Very cool video for a very cool song.

♥ Michael Jackson - The Way You Make Me Feel
This weekend marks two years since Michael Jackson died, isn't that crazy? Lately my concept of time has been way out of whack. My friend and I actually had a minor freak out when we realised it was ten years since we started high school. I swear ten years ago I was still in primary school and watching cartoons on Saturday morning. So I'm not good at maths, whatever. ANYWAY, I used to be obsessed with this song and had a cassette tape especially dedicated to taping this song whenever it came on the radio. It was just The Way You Make Me Feel, over and over, on both sides of the tape.

Also, can I just say how awesome the news out of New York is? Hooray for equality! I loved this picture I found on tumblr, from the Michael Kors store:


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