What I Wore 20.02.11

This is what I wore to the Perth Fashion Blogger's meet up at King's Park. I had planned to wear my new Jeffrey Campbells, but I chickened out and wore these loafers instead. I bought them a while ago and this is their first outing. Hopefully they are the first pair of many loafers this winter, I've already seen a leopard spotted pair from Sportsgirl that would look quite nice adorning my feet...

Princess Highway dress//Wittner loafers//Ring from Unwrapped Markets//My nan's earrings

Thank you to Jessie of The Velvet Bow (one of my favourite blogs!) for taking these photos, and to Jessie and April Rose for organising the whole bloggers' meet up! I had such a fun time, and it was great to put faces to blog names. It was a bit surreal, to be honest, I was really nervous to go but so glad I did!

And thanks to Bonnie from Girl Friday Musings for taking these balloon photos! It was A LOT harder than it looks to get good photos with a bunch of balloons and unpredictable wind, maybe I should give models much more credit...

I have a lot more photos to share, but I'm quite exhausted! They will be up in the next few days. Now, to scrounge around for some dinner and read all the lovely blogs I'm not familiar with (and catch up on my favourites!). Thanks again to Jessie and Jacqui for organising such a fabulous day!



  1. Awww, what a gorgeous outfit! (And a beautiful backdrop!) Glad you had a ball! :)

  2. you looked absolutely adorable today! loving this dress on you! cant wait to see more pics!

    So great to see you again too!

  3. I loved your shoes so so much you looked great and it was awesome to finally meet you! Those balloons were definitely tricky!


  4. wowzers you sure got these up fast! Was lovely meeting you :)

  5. Aw thanks for the mention sweet, you are more than welcome, you look super cute with the balloons!

    It was so great to finally meet you, we'll have to all catch up again soon and get to know each other even better.


  6. That dress is so cute! It's good to hear that you guys had an amazing time.

    I remember having a hard time posing with balloons for photos on my 21st birthday, but I assumed that was because I was drunk, haha. Apparently it's just difficult full-stop.

  7. I cannot believe I was not at an event which included YOU & BALLOONS! Devo! Though my blog is not remotely a fashion one, so fair enough I guess :) Miss you!

  8. It was very lovely to meet you Tara, we seriously need to have a coffee date at The Vegie Patch once uni goes back!


  9. Corrine - Thank you! Hopefully one day there will be an interstate blogger meet up!
    Maebe Isadora - Was great to see you too, you looked lovely also!
    Kim - I think my massive ring kept popping the balloons! Argh! Was lovely to meet you :)
    Girl Friday - I can't wait! xx
    April Rose - I was just so glad to have something to post after so long, haha! Hope to catch up again soon xx
    Miss Peregrin - Haha, it's definitely difficult! I don't think I would have managed to pose with anything at my 21st, especially not something that required so much effort like balloons!
    Em - Miss you too! x
    The Velvet Bow - Yes, definitely! Hope to catch up soon x


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!