Wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin'

Hello! Sorry for the break. Among other things, I was moving house! I am settling into it, but it is a bit of an adjustment living in a house (with a backyard, in the suburbs) rather than an apartment. But I'm getting used to it.

One of the things I haven't brought over yet is my camera, so in lieu of actual photos, I thought I would share with you some things I have bought recently and that are currently en route to me.

{TBA pom-pom skirt & bulldog money bank from Urban Outfitters; black floral dress, feather print dress & owl print skirt from Modcloth; Jeffrey Campbell Lita boots from Revolve; set of four prints from evajuliet on Etsy; sailor shoes from Topshop}

I will be a very happy girl when all these packages arrive! I am making a big effort to cut down on my purchases this month (uh, if you even glanced at this post you can probably tell that I need to) but these clothes and prints will keep me entertained, I'm sure. I was going to pull out the big guns and place a clothes shopping ban on myself for February but... I'm not sure I could pull it off! Three days in and I'm going pretty well, though.

Do you have any special online purchases coming? Tell me so I can live vicariously through them!



  1. I am currently poor beyond belief (housemate moved out so rent is bigger, working full time-ish in retail which basically pays nothing) but still can't resist 'bargains' on eBay! Like today, 50s polkadot dress for $32 which SEEMS cheap but then $15 postage so that's nearly $50 which is food for a week if I'm careful or transport for 3 weeks so I really shouldnt have bought it, but I still did ;)

  2. OH darling they are some amazing purchases!!!! The skirt and the bulldog, oh my!

    And you have LITAS!!! I Just made a purchase on solestruck about an hour ago - some glitter JC foxys and some black leather JC 99 ankle boots. I would die to have a pair of Litas but I fear they would cut my legs off something chronic thanks to their higher ankle :-( I am sure you will look amazing in them though!


  3. Great collection of recent buys! I don't have anything particularly interesting coming, just an Asos order with a purple pencil skirt and navy military cardi and some nail polishes.

  4. You lucky girl! I am dying for a pair of Litas too but I don't know if I am fierce enough to pull them off.

    I have those Topshop shoes and they are so darling. Craving that bulldog too!


  5. I bought a high-waisted pair of bikini bottoms from ASOS that I'm waiting for. They're my last non-essential purchase for a long, long, long time!

  6. Ahhh I love the doggy money bank and those Litas are to die for. JEALOUS!


  7. Such lovely purchases!! I am also a huge Modcloth fan, my boyfriend keeps asking me why I keep getting so many parcels in the mail *blush* Lovely blog, am following! xoxoxo


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!