On Saturday afternoon, my partner in crime Lisa and I checked out the vintage markets at the Beaufort St Festival (or BOFO, as I heard it called throughout the day) and had a swingin' time. I think it's only the second year the festival's been running and it looks like every year it's going to get bigger and better. We found a bunch of knitted birds sitting on top of parking meters that had been covered in wool and yarn, at least five adorable puppies, tasty burgers at Grill'd (I had the Baa Baa burger - lamb, avocado, cheese, salad and herbed aioli, delicious), and I managed to score three amazing vintage dresses for $85. Awesome. I also managed to completely fangirl out when I met the owner of Awoke on a Whale Heart vintage, but you take the good with the bad, I guess.

Later, when Lisa went off to photograph Peter Combe (jealous!), I went back to a friend's house where we had cider, came back to Beaufort St to watch some bands, uh... liberated... a knitted chicken from its position outside a street lamp and then had long talks into the early hours. It was a pretty perfect Saturday. 

p.s - In case you were wondering, in the above pictures I'm wearing a Dangerfield dress (which I got this week, on sale, and I love the little embroidered details on the collar), Sportsgirl flats, sunglasses and bag, and a Diva necklace with a tiny puppy charm hanging off it. And the new vintage dresses will be appearing in outfit posts very soon!


  1. Love the shoes, love the gorgeous dresses (including yours!) and I LOVE the 'Before I die, I want to...' wall. AWESOME!

  2. just did my bofo post as well! woahhh it's good to be back.

    nice photos! can't wait to see photos of your new dresses :)

    and damn that's a creepy baby.

  3. I love all the pretty dresses! I wish I could have come, I had a pesky criminal law exam. What a cool idea with the before I die board - I ought to make one x x tess

  4. hmm that burger looks delish, lamb, avocado & cheese sounds amazing. Love the dress too.

  5. Corrine - Thank you! So lovely to see you back in blogland :)
    Lisa - BITCH PLE you loved that behbeh
    Tess - It was really cute! I'm glad no one wrote stupid things on there & actually took it seriously!
    Helen - It WAS delicious! And thank you, it's one of my new favourites!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!