Little Things 06.04.11

Just some little things from here & there. Trying to get back into the swing of posting is much harder than it seems, to be honest. I'm struggling a bit!

{I bought both these magazines on the same day and didn't realise the similarity of the covers until I'd brought them home & read them both. Band reflections in sunglasses must be in this year}

{Two new perfumes - Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker, which was actually the first perfume I ever bought, and Naughty Alice by Vivienne Westwood. Oh, and there I am in the reflection of the perfume lid}

{Rejected outfit photo - what I wore to a music quiz night a couple of weeks ago.}

{This is a little owl that belonged to my nan & granddad. They used to travel a lot so I have no idea where he's from!}

{My current nail polish - Teenage Dream by Katy Perry for OPI}

I must get back to the mountain of assignments I have piling up! Eep!



  1. I love that adorable owl, and the dress in the rejected outfit photo. You should take more photos of that dress, because it looks adorable!

  2. Love love love the teacups!!

  3. I've been wanting to try Naughty Alice because a) I love Vivienne Westwood and b) was rather oh, let's just say obsessed and get it out there...with Alice in Wonderland when I was younger.

    What's it like?

    P.S I love this little post. I'm having trouble getting back into the swing of things too so seeing things like this is great!

  4. That dress is adorbz. ADORBZ, I SAY. Also nice teacup collection, brah. That looks rad.

  5. Ohh my love for Julian and Oasis is by far out of control. hot covers!!

  6. Miss Peregrin - Haha, I thought you would like the owl! The dress is kind of short to wear without tights, so once it gets colder it will definitely get a proper outfit post!
    Lovers, Saints & Sailors - It's a bit more in the 'oriental' perfume family than I'm used to, but still not too heavy. I'm kind of in love with it! I will write up a proper review in case people are interested!
    emily jane - Thanks! It's mostly the ones from Grandma, some I got for my 18th and the teapot I got for my 21st. I don't think I actually bought any of them!
    Jes - I know! Ahhh! I haven't even heard the new Strokes album, what is wrong with me?!

  7. & Kirsty - Thank you! I plan to add to the collection, I want them all in the kind of pastel colours so it's hard to track them down in opshops and such!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!