Four little words just to get me along

(I don't have any photos from this weekend yet, so here is an old one! This is from a school social in year 11 or 12 I believe [so aged about 15 or 16], the theme was "My Generation" so I went as the '60s! I love this dress, maybe it will make an appearance on the blog soon!)
I was tagged by the gorgeous AUS Style to do this '4 Things' post, so in lieu of actual blogging content here goes!
4 things I did today:
1. Went to a record fair and bought ten new (well, second-hand, but new to me) records
2. Saw a guy at said record fair wearing a shirt with a picture of a record on it and the words "Chicks dig my 12-inch". I wanted to leap on him for such witty vinyl-based puns.
3. Ate Chicken Treat for lunch, after falling down in front of it after attempting to jump up from the kerb and subsequently dislocating my knee.
4. I am now watching Iron Man and drinking gin and tonic while reading the book 1000 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

4 things on my to-do list:
1. Buy the sparkly minidress from David Jones
2. Do my sociology essay (booring)
3. Update my blog with photographic evidence of my ten new records & outfits I wore on the weekend (I brought my camera up to Boy's but not the USB cable - silly Tara!)
4. Watch The Nightmare Before Christmas with Boy, who has not yet seen it. It's one of my favourite movies!

4 guiltiest pleasures:
1. Baked Ricotta cheese. I have only just discovered this and it is pretty much the yummiest thing ever. Yum yum.
2. Buying almost every magazine available every month - I am a magazine junkie and NOT ASHAMED. Anything from Dazed and Confused to Cosmopolitan, my magazine love knows no bounds.
3. English comedy, in particular Spaced, The Mighty Boosh and Peep Show. These are hilarious so please check them out!
4. Making a cup of tea and spending a while checking out everyone's blogs. It is usually the most relaxing part of my day!

4 random facts about me:
1. I was painfully shy when I was younger and I still am, a bit - I HATE ringing people up for interviews when I have to for journalism!
2. I find the words "moist" and "nibble" completely disgusting! It grosses me out to even type them. Moist. Moist. Ugh! That word is THE WORST.
3. I am a reading nerd. Well, reading nerd doesn't really begin to cover it. I always HAVE TO HAVE something to read, anywhere I am. Sometimes (not often, as Boy protests) I have even read books while in line to get into a club. What? It passes the time!
4. I can't STAND touching cotton wool. I don't know why but it totally freaks me out!

Oh and I believe (in the spirit of four) I am meant to tag four people for this. So... I tag:
Amanda from These Teenage Hopes
Gem from Half Accidental
Emily from Be a Tiger, and...
Annie from Annie Spandex!

Regular posting resumes TOMORROW! Be excited!



  1. ooh thank you, i can't wait to sit down & actually update!
    that is awesome about the record fair, when i move out of home i get to inherit my dad's turntable & entire record collection, i can't wait!
    i can't believe he hasn't seen the nightmare before christmas, that is tragic!
    & that is hilariously awesome that you read a book in club-lines- if i ever took a big enough bag out i would too!
    OH & i'm so sad, i can't come to the burlesque thing on the 25th cos i'm going to the grates with amanda! but we should meet up afterwards maybe, go to the moon?

  2. YAY Perth! Lol, It always amazes me to find other people from there :| I will also participate in the jumping if I see you anywhere, I'll keep an eye out for people wearing my navy dress!

  3. ooh, thanks for the tag! :D

    and i also hate the word 'moist'. but i also find it hilarious cos it sounds so disgusting.

  4. amanda - Ahh lucky you (about the record collection), my dad is waaay too possessive of his! And YES about the moon, where's the grates concert?
    em - Haha, you know I will just wear the navy dress until we run into each other :P
    gem - IT'S SO GROSS! UGH!

  5. Eurgh m---- really is an awful word, it just sounds so nasty! And I adore Peep Show, they are an amazing duo. Annnnd you HAVE to get the bf to watch Nightmare Before Christmas, that movie is PERFECT!!

  6. Record fairs are so cool! And I love English comedy and your dress for your social is awesome!

    PS. I got my NASA tee from the NASA website they had a shop part of their website but it's now here: although my NASA tee isn't on there anymore I'm sure you can find it if google!

  7. the grates is at capitol! & we're going to a couple of movies at the italian film festival at paradiso beforehand if you're interested at all :)

  8. dapper kid - Hardly any shop assistants in Australia have heard of Peep Show, whenever I went into a shop and asked "Do you have Peep Show on DVD?" they would give me funny looks! Hehe!
    miss karen - ooh thankyou, I will have to check that out! And YAY more people who like English comedy!
    amanda - I thought the Grates were at Metros Freo for some reason. But yes if they are at Capitol we will definitely catch up! I'm not sure what time the burlesque thing starts so I will let you know about the movies!

  9. I used to hate calling people up for interviews too! Especially the time I had to call someone up and ask if he was gay, Oh lord. It's one of the reasons I switched from journalism to publishing! :)

    And I totally relate to needing a book everywhere you go, as well - I'm the same.

  10. Oh no! I can imagine that would have been a very awkward interview :s
    and hooray, someone who understands my book obsession! :)


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