What I Wore (and bought) 9.8.08

Yesterday was Boy's birthday! Hooray! I bought him a subscription to Rolling Stone and the DVD of Iron Man. Because Iron Man is awesome. I remember thinking "This movie's going to be laaame," but obviously it was not. So it was good to spend his birthday with him (and his twin sister & rest of the family) but not so great getting up at 5.30 today so he could get to work on time. Grr!

So for the rest of today I wrote up one of my journalism articles and dropped it in at uni, then did a little bit of retail therapy at Garden City. I felt a bit like Ms Frazzle from the Magic School Bus in this outfit, I think it was the cardigan + the dress! This dress is one of my favourites, I got it ages ago for $14.95 and it's such a gorgeous shape! It reminds me of the dress Marilyn Monroe wears in The Seven Year Itch (but a touch less classic, what with the navy blue and the star print!).
Cardigan:Cotton On//Dress: Valleygirl//Corsage: Equip//Shoes: Emporium
For my journalism unit this year we have to write articles for the Western Independent, which is a paper that the uni produces. Today I was looking in it to see which articles from my class had gotten published and to my utter surprise and delight mine was in there! I was so excited!
It was about homeopathic stalls getting more popular at music festivals. Unfortuantly they didn't use my AWESOME headline ("More herbs at music festivals") but still pretty exciting to see my name in print!

So after that exciting incident I went to Garden City and bought a bit. I had a voucher for David Jones from my lovely mama, and I had a 20% off voucher for Forever New which I didn't even use because I didn't really LOVE any of the stuff.

I got a shirt from American Apparel, a scarf from Country Road (on sale), sunglasses from Sportsgirl and a belt from Forever New (on sale). I was thisclose to buying a sequinned mini shift but here is how the conversation in my head went:
Sensible side: But a sequinned minidress?
Me: Think of how cool it will be when I go out to parties and out clubbing!
Sensible side: I honestly don't think you've been out to an actual club since about a year ago.
Me: But it will make me look like Edie Sedgwick!
Sensible side: Edie Sedgwick didn't have hips or boobs or a butt. You will never look like Edie Sedgwick unless you develop her heroin addiction.
Me: ... SHINY
... and so on. Now the more I talk about it THE MORE I WANT IT DAMMIT!

Hopefully I will wear some of this stuff over the weekend, it is set to be quite busy!


(Also I got some sad news this morning that a family friend of ours had passed away. Lots of love to her family ♥)


  1. you look very cute miss, & well done on the article!

  2. Happy Birthday to the Boy!!!!! Annnd I love that dress :) Oh oh and congrats on the published article, that is so amazing!

  3. i was looking at journalism degrees! where do you do yours? how do you find it?

  4. Congrats on the article! You scored yourself an awesome haul there. And I'm rather intriqued by this sequinned minidress...

  5. amanda - Thank you! Seriously I had no idea it was in there and the paper's been published for two weeks!
    dapper kid - Oh thank you, you are too sweet!
    carrie - I do mine at curtin university in australia, it's actually a double degree but the journalism part is called 'Media and Information', so if you look for degrees with that or possibly 'Communications Studies' for creative & professional writing.
    miss karen - ME TOO! Argh I might have to buy it now!

  6. Your sunglasses are so adorable !^-^


  7. thanks! I've never really been a sunglasses person but now I am obsessed!


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