What I Wore 01.05.09

I brought in May by going to uni in the morning & working on my final essay (which is about the portrayal of women in anime), cleaning the house, and tonight Boy & I are going to catch the train down to Bunbury to see my sister in Blackbeard.

I decided to take my own travelling advice and wear the most comfortable pants I own (that aren't pyjamas or tracksuits), my harem pants. I can also use the scarf as a makeshift pillow if I have to :) Also, these are the first What I Wore pictures from my new house!
♥ Harem pants: Target
♥ Singlet: Not sure
♥ Cardigan: Cotton On
♥ Scarf: Dotti outlet store
♥ Shoes: Target (never been worn, though I got them about six months ago!
♥ Necklace (a bit hard to see): Paraphernalia
I also stocked up on magazines - I bought Russh and In Style, which I've never bought before. I think I was swayed by Isla Fisher on the cover (which I cleverly covered up in the picture - good one Tara), I have a weird, unjustifiable girl crush on her. One day I will have to do a review of the magazines I buy, it might justify me buying so many! I was surprised that I saw Lula in every newsagent I went into today, but I couldn't justify paying $15 for a magazine that wasn't, you know, MADE OF GOLD.

I loaded my iPod up with the last two CDs I bought. They are both Lou Reed - Coney Island Baby and Berlin. Apparently Berlin is one of the most depressing albums ever. Yep, I know how to set a mood. Although I can't imagine a Lou Reed album giving anyone the lolz.

This is totally unrelated to anything, but I really want to read this. It looks AWESOME.
What are you doing this weekend?

p.s Not my guitar in the photos - it is Boy's, he is learning how to be the next Rory Gallagher!


  1. you look loooovely miss!

    i rather like in style myself, mum tends to buy it quite often. & apparently pp&z is really really good. did you watch lost in austen when it was on? that was awesome.

    & yay house! i like the couch (liv- take note!!!!)

  2. lol, i can't believe you mentioned that book! I was talking about it in my creativity & literature tute on wednesday. i really want to read it too :D

  3. oh this women in anime thing sounds interesting. i'd love to read it. LOoking good! i love your shoes. and hahah guitar hero!
    15 bucks for lula? isnt that cheap???down here it's like $30 for lula...

  4. amanda - I didn't watch Lost in Austen but I heard it was really good! I'm on a bit of an Austen kick at the moment actually!
    Gem - It looks hilarious! The cover is genius =)
    A dreamer - Really? I guess I should suck it up & just pay the 15 bucks, I flicked through it & it was so beautiful!

  5. I am hanging out to read PP&Z too - someone who started reading it yesterday because they saw it on my blog messaged me to tell me that it might just be the best book ever (they actually wrote "evah"). So that's encouraging!

  6. i keep seeing that book around the place!@#!@$!@#!@#@! planet books mostly. i love that store.

    also, i love russh i didn't realise there was a new one out because i had a 2 year subscription and they were flying to my house every couple months but now they aren't anymore and i haven't adjusted!


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