What I Wore 02.05.09

This weekend was full of family, my lovely boy & pirates! Arrrr! I went to see my sister in Blackbeard and it was deliciously pirate-y. It was especially cute to see the youngish couple in front of us having a sneaky cuddle in all the romantic songs. Aww.

This is the dress that I bought for my Bardot interview. I didn't know if it was a faux pas to wear clothes by the brand you're interviewing for... I didn't get the job so maybe it was? Intriguing! At least I got a nice dress out of it. Also, this is what I look like when someone else is taking photos of me and trying to give me "directions". Argh!

♥ Dress: Bardot

♥ Jacket: Alice in the Eve from General Pants

♥ Tights: Coles

♥ Boots: Hand-me-downs from my Grandma

♥ Earrings & ring: Diva

Yarr I be a pirate!




  1. i looove the shape of the skirt.

  2. NOOO no way could it be a faux pas to wear the same brand to the job int you are going for. if anything, they'd LIKE that you wore it. mayb they couldn't tell ur dress was from the their store. HAH.

    just judging from your blog but i can't see u working at bardot?

  3. kaitlyn - Thank you! I just finished looking at your blog, it's fantastic!
    A dreamer - Yeah at my interview for Cotton On I didn't wear their clothes & got that job! What? Yeah, Bardot clothes aren't reeeeally my style, they're a bit too... hmm... maybe a bit too sexy for my tastes! Ha! I can't think of the right way to describe them :P

  4. I love the little jacket with the rose and the sheer tights--you look great!


  6. Annie - Thank you!
    Em - Heee! You too pretty lady!

  7. i don't think it's a faux pas either! i think a lot of shoppes like that dismiss you if you -dont- wear their stuff. don't worry too much!!! a lot of their things ARE too sexy!!!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!