
Hello! This is both an explanation of why I haven't been posting much lately AND a sneaky peek of some pieces from MY NEW VINTAGE STORE! It started when I was culling my wardrobe and didn't particularly want to go to eBay, so I decided to start up a shop. Then I went op-shopping to find more things to fill that shop. Now it has lots of lovely clothes in it but the website still looks a bit... not-so-pretty. It should be up and running by the end of the month but until then, sate your curiousity with these pieces...

The Bowie Dress

The Jolene Blouse

The Lisbon Dress

The Mary Tyler Moore Dress

The Wakefield Dress

Thanks for listening!

p.s Obviously these have been edited (Lomo-fied, in fact, in Picnik) but the photos will be much better in the store. This is just an example because the original photos weren't that great =)


  1. oh, excitement!
    i've always wanted to do something like this but never got around to it. so keen to see yours when it's up & running :) x

  2. These dresses are AMAZING. Cannot wait to be able to browse through them. There goes that not spending money thing. *sigh*

  3. ohh lovely! :D love your blog!

    LÉS Mm,


Thank you for your comment! x

I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!