Easter Reading

I have found a lot of links this week, whilst procrastinating writing an essay on the economic liberalisation of India in 1991. I thought I would share my favourites with you, so you have some entertainment on your Easter break.

♥ The Calivintage dress from Modcloth is absolutely gorgeous, and I love the accompanying interview with her as well. I am quite interested to know about my favourite bloggers so I find their interviews really quite fascinating.

♥ I first found Mademoiselle Robot through this interview she did with Matthew Gray Gubler (sigh! I have been watching a lot of Criminal Minds these past few days while I get over a cold) but have fallen in love with the whole blog. If you haven't read it already, I'm sure you would love it too.

♥ Speaking of Criminal Minds, if you want to watch from the first season you might enjoy this...

♥ I always love finding Perth fashion blogs, and one that I really enjoy is Hug-sized. Lisa has a very cute style and mixes chain-store finds, quirky accessories and vintage very well.

♥ I really want to try this exercise that Miss Corrine, Miss Peregrin and Alex from Shut Up, Vita have written about - a stocktake of your wardrobe, which seems to end in either working out what you need to add to your wardrobe, or marvelling at all the stuff you've accumulated over the years.

♥ I love the Miu Miu shoes featured in this post by Tavi from Style Rookie. The other two "Miu Miu still life" posts are here and here.

♥ Super Kawaii Mama is holding a competition to win a dress made by Vitae Clothing, in Australia's first Lolita print! The print is super cute and I'm sure no one would turn down the chance to win a free dress...

♥ And what would Easter be without some Sassy Gay Friend?

Happy Easter break reading!


1 comment:

  1. Awww thank you so much! This was so lovely to read, especially because I love your blog so much! You're going to have me grinning all night haha


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