What I Wore 23.04.10

Hello! This has been an insane week. I was so stressed out for most of it (it's production week for the uni newspaper, and two of my units relate to that so a heap of assignments were due) and have had the oddest sleeping pattern, so I feel disorientated and grumpy most of the time. However, yesterday the photo editors of the uni paper asked me to take some photos at the Charles Hotel Comedy Lounge, which was definitely a perk! It was hilarious and I'll definitely be going back (but I doubt I will be treated as nicely as I was when lugging around a huge SLR camera!). And I found out today that one of the photos made it into the paper, so yay!

I didn't get to see Date Night earlier this week, so I'm off to see it tonight. This is what I wore. The photos are really blurry for some reason.

Revival dress
Black Friday cardigan
Black tights
Lipstik flats
Diva bowling pin earrings

My week has definitely improved so fingers crossed the weekend is good too, a long weekend is very welcome!


p.s In my opinion, the best two comedians last night were Michael Burke and Ben Russell. And another guy! But I can't remember his name! Or be bothered to go and check my ultra-organised journalist checklist which is names scribbled on the back of a poster in black texta! Anyway check them out if you have the chance. Although I think that was Ben Russell's last show before he goes to Chicago. So... good if you're in Chicago, not so much if you're in Perth....

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you look gorgeous! I love your jacket and your fringe has completely inspired me to start thinking about how much I need a new haircut. Love!


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