Weird Things I Buy, Part One

I had a girl come in for a trial in my store this week and she mentioned she'd read my blog (hi Caroline!) which reminded me that it's not only my family who reads this (hi Grandma!) and I thought I'd better put up a post.

So, here are some things I've bought recently! Sorry for the stock photos, but I haven't actually gotten them yet. Once they do they'll probably be on regular rotation in my wardrobe and you'll be sick of them (especially the pin! Oh my god!).

A while ago I was searching for novelty cardigans on Etsy and I found this gem. I don't know if I've mentioned before but my boyfriend is into golf in a major way. I don't really get it and I think my attention span is way too low to play such a game, but at least when I am dragged to the golf course I will be dressed appropriately, even when drinking wine out of a Coke can (has happened).

I found this shop while I was trawling old xoJane articles (in fact, this article inspired me to share MY weird Etsy finds with you). I have heard a lot of not-so-great things about that website but I LOVE it. I could read it all day. Anyway, I only just ordered this ring today, and I'm still not entirely sure why I thought I needed it in my collection. I don't even like babies! I'm kind of just fascinated by the weirdness of it.

Okay obviously this shop is full of strange and wonderful items. I mean, they sell Snoop Dogg prayer candles. SNOOP DOGG PRAYER CANDLES. You feel me? If the shipping for candles wasn't so expensive I would have a little Snoop shrine set up right about now. But this isn't about Snoop Dogg, it's all about Steve Buscemi. I am obsessed with Boardwalk Empire - can I just mention how amazing the latest episode was? Holy shit. I was on the edge of my seat watching through my fingers the entire time - so there's a lot of Buscemi love going on in our house. And now I can force people to look at his bug eyes every time I wear this badge.

I've seen this jumper on various blogs for years now, and this year I FINALLY managed to snap one up before they all sold out! Yay! I was tossing up between this one and one that was more about The Smiths, but the hilariously tacky Christmas jumper won out in the end. Obviously. I wonder what Morrissey would think of these jumpers? He would probably give me a withering glance and then stare off all melancholy into the distance. Oh, I do love him so.

What weird stuff have you bought recently? Send me links so I can spend my money!

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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!