Little Things 28.08.11

Hello again! I have had a super busy week with work and went to birthday drinks (not for me... yet) last night, so am having a very relaxed night in with Whose Line Is It Anyway (seriously, I am so obsessed with this show) and some homemade pasta salad. Here's some photos that have been accumulating on my phone since my last Little Things post!

{These are some My Little Pony figurines from my hairdresser's salon. I told you she was awesome!}

{And one of the two cats that hangs around the salon and is quite content to sit on your lap while you get your hurr did}

{I finished reading Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life a few weekends ago. I liked it, but I watched the movie first and the graphic novel is literally panel for panel the same, so I don't know if I'll get the rest of the books.}

{This is a birthday card I bought for my friend's 21st}

{I bought these tight from Sportsgirl and absolutely love them! They have a kind of over-the-knee schoolgirl socks feel but then you have the adorable spots on the rest of the stockings. I wore them last night and I must say they were quite a hit}

{I wore my favourite necklace from Pigeonhole. My outfit inspiration was Bettie Page mixed with a schoolgirl, I wish I had gotten photos, but ah well}

{I hardly ever eat breakfast but lately I have been all about avocado paste, cherry tomatoes and crumbled feta on toast. Yum!}

Also, my blogroll (to the right of the page) severely needs updating! If you'd like to be included just leave your URL in the comments so I can check out your blog.

I'll leave you with a song that has been playing pretty much on repeat in my boyfriend's car. I think it might be my favourite Pulp song (to listen to with one of my favourite people).

Pulp - Babies



  1. Hey Tara! I'd love to be in your blogroll! <3
    Also, I love love LOVE your new tattoo! Very cute, and in the same place as mine, but mine's a bass clef! Easy to hide when necessary! (Grandparents house! LOL!)

  2. Oh, and i'm

    oops! <3

  3. Oh my gosh - coolest tights ever! I am definitely getting a pair.
    I've gone through 3 pairs of polka dot far the ones that have lasted longest are actually from Best and Less! Who would have thought it?

  4. Hi, love you're blog. I've been busy lately and haven't had time to update, but I'd love it if you could check out my blog. :) xx

  5. Your tights are adorable, and with My Little Pony figurines, your hairdresser is DEFINITELY awesome!

    I also now have excellent breakfast inspiration for the days ahead. Yay!

  6. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw your cat - she's almost identical to one of mine! Awww! x


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!