What I Wore 16.08.11

First of all I have to apologise for my over-a-week-long absence! I have been very busy (with some stuff I hope I can tell you about soon!) and also trying to catch up with people in, you know, real life. But I am back now!

I've been wearing this outfit a lot recently; it's nothing spectacular but I love how the colours go together. I've been trying to buy more cardigans and outerwear, at the start of this winter I only had one cardigan and now I have, um, definitely a lot more than one.

Quirky Circus dress//Valleygirl cardigan//Vintage belt//Pigeonhole necklace//Black tights//Sportsgirl loafers//Oliver Peoples glasses

I haven't been into Valleygirl (or Temt, or anything of that ilk really) for literally years. As in, not since my first year of uni. I had kind of boycotted it because it was so cheap and nasty and fell apart after a couple of wears. But, I went in a couple of weeks ago looking for a cropped black cardigan for part of a '60s costume, and found quite a few cheap and cheerful buys that will be popping up in some outfit posts soon. One of them was this cardigan, and I have to say I am quite happy with its lovely rust colour.

This dress is one of my absolute favourites. Here's the last time I took photos of it - it's so comfortable and lovely and I am certainly not strong enough to go past a lace Peter Pan collar. Not to keep harping on about the outfit, but lately I've been feeling sick of about 97% of my wardrobe so I'm glad to find an outfit that looks cute but doesn't require too much effort to put together.

Something else that makes me feel put together is these cute little nail stickers! I got mine from David Jones (they're OPI), but I hear Sally Hansen ones have some much better patterns. They're pretty easy to put on once you get the hang of it, and I've had them on since Friday and they've only just started to peel off at the top. They match something else heart-shaped I recently acquired which will be on the blog soon!

Anyway, I will leave you with a lovely Otis Redding song (no, not the Kanye and Jay-Z version) that I have been listening to quite a bit lately. I may have even put it on a mix tape - yes, a cassette - for someone because I am a giant nerd. Oh well.



  1. I really love that dress its too cute! looking lovely hun xo

  2. This is one of my favourite outfits of yours. All the colours look great together. I really want to try nail stickers I have been keeping my eyes open for some cool ones.

  3. I nearly bought that dress! It looks fantastic with that cardigan.

    Great song too. Gotta love Otis Redding.

  4. alexis - Thank you so much! Hope to catch up soon xx
    Meghan - That's lovely of you to say, thank you! Yes look out for the Sally Hansen nail stickers, I think they're a bit cheaper than the OPI ones!
    Lovers Saints & Sailors - It's a bit more interesting than just a black cardigan, isn't it? I'm glad they work so well together! And YES, definitely have to love a bit of Otis.

  5. TonksftMemories - Thank you! And thank you for stopping by my blog! x
    Julia @ Boredom Abounds - It's great isn't it? I love Otis. Mr Pitiful is my favourite (but not as lovely as this song!).


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