What I Wore 31.08.11 - Birthday Style!

It's my birthday! I am celebrating by wearing my new favourite dress (that you might recognise from my last post), my favourite necklace and by going out and buying some new clothes. Then tonight I'm going out to dinner with some of my favourite people. I already feel spoiled rotten and the day's not even over yet! It's been pretty great so far.

Vintage dress//Pigeonhole necklace//Cotton On cardigan//Black flats

I love this dress! I actually bought it on sale from Sportsgirl's vintage section (very, very heavily discounted, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered... $70 for a vintage dress is a little ridiculous!). It had these huge puffy sleeves that I just couldn't figure out what to do with them. I love sleeved dresses, so I tried just taking out the little stiff bits of fabric that sat underneath the sleeves... but no dice, they were still huge. So I just ripped them off and now the dress is perfect. It makes me feel even more Bettie Page-esque!

I've already been lucky enough to get some presents which I hope I can show off soon! My parents got me this gorgeous vintage dress - with a giraffe pattern! - and a cute bag, and my sister got me some kikki.k goodies.

Anyway I can't wait to see my lovely friends and my lovely lovely boyfriend tonight, so I must head off and find something to wear!


Camera Obscura - Razzle Dazzle Rose


  1. Yay! Happy Birthday gorgeous girl! You do look divine in that frock, and I love how you just ripped the sleeves off - it's so pretty now! Imagine trying to fit puffed sleeves under a cardigan...!

    That kitty necklace is so sweet :)

    Have a lovely evening Xoxoxo

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL GIRL! You look absolutely gorgeous. Here's to an incredible year ahead!

  3. Ooh , Happy Birthdaay :D , Ure outfiit is so beautiful ; from head to toe , <3
    Best wishes

    Bisoux :x

    Doudinou <3

  4. Happy birthday! You look super cute, and I adore that kitty necklace. Hope you have a good night!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!