What I Wore 02.09.11

My first post as a 22-year-old! First of all thank you for your birthday wishes and tweets, it made what was an already awesome day even more special! You can read a little bit more about my birthday here on my tumblr.

This is the dress I mentioned in my birthday post, which was a present from my mum and dad. It's from my all-time favourite Etsy seller, Old Age Vintage - I think this makes four or five dresses I've bought from them now! As soon as I saw this amazing giraffe-printed dress I knew I had to own it. It was a little bit on the expensive side so I was very happy to receive it as a present! I love giraffes. They're pretty neat.

Vintage dress//Random black belt//Target cardigan//Diva gold studs//Target brogues//Black tights

I'm wearing this to meet a new friend for coffee and possibly discuss some exciting blog bizness. I am particularly enamoured by this new friend because when I met him on Saturday he said my style was a cross between Bettie Page and Edie Sedgwick. Hello! They are both my dream girls. I have been loudly dropping it into conversation and reminding my boyfriend about it ever since (even though he probably doesn't know who either of them are). Then later tonight I'm going to goodbye drinks for one of my best friends! She's going to Margaret River for five weeks for her physio prac because she is super smart and amazing.

And SPEAKING of super amazing and talented people, if you could throw a vote my friend Grace's way for her absolutely gorgeous dress design that would be fantastic! SRSLY. Take a peek. I kind of think I'm going to steal this for my wedding dress.

Okay lovelies, I hope you have a great weekend! I'll leave you with some ridiculous photos. In a dress like this you can't really help but twirl around!



  1. Oh my! That dress is amazing! You lool fab in those colours. Glad you had a nice day, sounds like you're a busy girl at the moment! xx Claire

  2. You are so adorable! This dress is gorgeous, I can see why you fell in love with it. Glad you had an awesome birthday. <3

  3. What beautiful colours on you! Love Edie Sedgwick I think thats why I got my hair cut short in the first place!!

    I really love that dress its perfect for you.


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!