It's Mayhem!

This isn't technically an outfit post, because I don't own anything I'm wearing in this photo (yet!), but I wanted to show you anyway. It's from Pigeonhole's Month of Mayhem, where a bunch of people get photographed in outfits from the Pigeonhole fashion stores. I had this photo taken on my lunch break on Saturday and I hope I don't look too frazzled!

I picked out the dress and the Pigeonhole manager from Shop 9 styled it up for me. I hardly ever wear all black but I really quite liked this outfit. It felt very The Craft/Teen Witch inspired. I dug it. I actually have the dress on hold to buy on Monday.

Muui dress // Minty Meets Munt wedge boots // Pigeonhole Aztec pendant // Pigeonhole rabbit ring 

What do you think? The Muui range is actually pretty cute, and not too expensive. This dress was only $55! You can get everything I'm wearing at Pigeonhole's Shop 9 in Shafto Lane. 

This photo was taken by my lovely friend & coworker Tom, you can see more of his snaps here




  1. Love the dress & I'm totally getting The Craft vibes. No wonder you decided to buy it!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!