I Love: Pocketto

A while ago I wrote an article for Pocketto zine, which is edited by the lovely AUS Style. I had a lot of fun writing the article (beats the hell out of writing about sports & agriculture, which are my two journalism assignments at the moment) and I have had a peek at the new issue, it looks fantastic!

Sorry it has been a bit quiet on the blogging front but I have SO MANY uni assignments due in at the moment, plus work & lots of people's birthdays (including Boy's, which is TOMORROW! I know he reads this sometimes so HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♥) & other things keeping me busy, so soon things will calm down and I will babble on to my heart's content!




  1. hee, that's so cool seeing your name in print! awesome article, well done.

  2. congrats on getting published! and i know just how you feel with all the uni assignments... i can't wait til end of semester.

  3. well thanks for writing the article!!! xoxo

  4. amanda - thank you!
    gem - arghh i know! it's the worst! i'm so over uni at the moment.
    a dreamer - no problem, it was fun!

  5. Oooo love it, agree with you totally on the Vintage Revolution issue! Ahem...yeah I might be guilty of wearing women's jeans, they just happen to actually fit me, which is next to impossible in the mens section!

  6. Haha, well at least women's jeans fit SOMEONE, I can never find a pair that I like!


Thank you for your comment! x

I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!