What I Wore 24.10.08

Today was a not-so-great day. A major assignment that I thought was due next Monday was actually due TODAY... I thought "Oh well, it will only take me about an hour to type up these notes!" Well, it took FIVE (we had to write at least two pages on each tutorial we had attended that semester - phew!). From 11 to 4 today all I did was type type type and make sure my assignment looked all professional. NOT FUN. Oh well, I only have two more big assignments to go and I am finished for the year!

Dress (underneath): Bluejuice//Pinafore: Cotton On//Belt: Valleygirl//Shoes: I ♥ Billy//Glasses: Vogue

But then Boy, lovely person that he is, took me out for dinner. I think he was just in a good mood because he had found so much Rory Gallagher DVD's and video games (Dead Space...looking forward to playing that one) at JB Hifi. We just went to the local pub but it has gone all fancy with its food so I had Morrocan spiced chicken with pineapple and mint couscous and pistachio yoghurt... quite fancy for a pub, in my opinion! Particularly a pub that was punctuated every few minutes by people yelling things at the cricket (or it could have been the International Rules...) Now we are watching Die Hard. Anyway it was a lovely end to an average day so ♥

Dress (worn as top): Bluejuice//Skirt: Cotton On//Tights: ?//Shoes: Zu

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Oh, I have been meaning to post to this all week and what better time than the weekend? The lovely and very talented Gem at Half Accidental is publishing a chapter a week from her book, Suicide Butterflies. I am already so addicted to it and I think you would be too! You can find it here.




  1. i love both these outfits, & you looked so pretty today! cute shoes in the last set too :)

    ohh also i suck about emailing you the movie stuff, sorry! the first one is at 1:30 & it's about caravaggio, & the second is at 4, its called the viceroys & is a historical drama that looks really interesting!

    caravaggio: http://www.italianfilmfestival.com.au/perth/films.c.html
    the viceroys:

  2. Great outfits! I particularly like the second one, it accentuates your waist really nicely.

    Oh, and thanks so much for linking to my novel! :D

  3. Hey, you are in Australia hey. I'm in Perth, you can find Mink Pink in most boutiques. That's where I usually get it, there is a surfshop who sells it too actually. Mink Pink is love because it is so affordable too!

  4. amanda - they sound good! I will message you and let you know!
    the daily masquerade - thank you!
    gem - that's quite alright! Like I said, I've been meaning to link to it!
    stompface - yeah, I'm in Perth too! I always see such nice Mink Pink stuff and am like ARGH WHERE CAN I FIND IT??

  5. The first outfit is lovely, the pinafore on top of the dress is wonderful :)

  6. I love both outfits! And it sounds like you had such a lovely end to your day - the moroccan chicken dish sounds yummy!

  7. I liked both of them. The first one looks like Lois Lane would if SHE was the one who had a secret identity and was about to whip into a phone box and save the world. Love a square neck on you!

  8. dapper kid - thanks, I need to get more wear out of the pinafore & the dress, I love them both!
    miss karen - it was, thank you! Doesn't quite measure up to seeing the Vines though, you lucky thing! & happy birthday!
    gin fancier - I am very flattered by that comment! :) thank you, my fellow gin-lover!

  9. PS. Wolf & Cub songs - From Vessels their first album, I love:

    This Mess (duh!)
    Rozalia Bizarre (this is an instrumental but it's awesome)
    March of Clouds
    Steal Their Gold

    I mean that's almost their whole album but these are the super cool ones that I totally love!

  10. die hard!!! awesome top...or is it a dress...
    anyhow, i forgot to ask you, do you want to write another article for pocketto? i was thinking:
    "what does the economic turmoil mean for fashion?"
    or if you have something in mind, let me know. xxEm

  11. I hate when assignments sneak up on you like that.

  12. miss karen - thank you, I will have to download them!
    el notable - thank you!
    a dreamer - ooh I would love to! I'll email you!
    wendyb - argh I know! It happens all the time, I think I am just disorganized!

  13. I love your belt in the first outfit, and your skirt looks AMAZING on you in the second - love your style Tara! :)

  14. Thank you very much! That made me smile like a fool!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!