Bits & Pieces

Hello again! I have returned from a lovely, relaxing holiday on Rottnest, and apologies for not posting when I was over there. It was just such nice weather that it would have been a shame to sit inside in front of a computer all day, particularly as there was only one public use computer on the whole island! Anyway, I hope that everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day, I spent the night here (lucky me!) and watched Ghost Town, which I very highly recommend. I am a massive Ricky Gervais fan and the whole movie is just so sweet and funny.

But enough updating from me! Here is the much belated second edition of Bits & Pieces...

This gorgeously weird photoshoot from West End magazine is stunning.

♥ As a massive fan of Fafi, I was so happy to see Doe Deere's tutorial on how to transform into a Fafinette! Isn't she beautiful?

Nubby Twiglet's article, The Cultivation of Online Personas, was something I thought about quite a bit when I was on holiday and felt guilty about not updating my blog. It's definitely one of the most interesting articles I've read recently!

♥ I didn't get to finish my contribution in time, but the new issue of Pocketto is out and, as always, is incredibly fabulous!

♥ I mentioned before that I stayed in a hotel for Valentine's Day - I found it through, which is a good idea if you leave booking a hotel to the very last minute! Although I do have an issue with people spelling 'what' as 'wot' (grr), I will forgive them.

David Standish might be my favourite photographer of the moment...

♥ Some Flight of the Conchords...

And, finally and most importantly, PLEASE give anything you can to the Red Cross bushfire appeals. An online donation form can be found here. My heart goes out to everyone affected. ♥



  1. i'm finally going to see ghost town this afternoon, i am so so excited! i've been watching all ricky's interviews about it and am so so jealous it's been out on dvd in the states for soooo long!

  2. yay. you're back!
    hope you had a magnificent time out there.

    those photos are breathtaking...

    can't get enough of FOTC. do they have an actual album?

  3. How funny is flight of the concords? I have the biggest crush on the skinny one... which I'm sure would annoy the man I am dating; also a kiwi!

    Cute little blog here. :)

  4. Hehe I love that flight of the conchords song :) lush have made a massage bar called 'business time' for valentines day haha


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!