What I Wore 19.02.09

Ahoy there! I decided to do the nautical thing today, while it is still nice and summery outside.

♥ Shirt - Mooloola

♥ Skirt - Supre

♥ Shoes - Harlan (from Planet Video)

♥ Silver, white and cream bangles - Diva 3 for $15 sale

♥ Pearl bracelet - Present from Boy's parents

♥ Sailor hat - from Splendour in the Grass hat stall

I have been tagged for two lovely awards. The first is from AUSStyle and is the Lemonade Award, for sites that show attitude or gratitude. I love it! Thank you!

In return, I tag these lovely ladies, whose blogs I read religiously and are some of my favourites:

Be A Tiger

Half Accidental

Sparkle and Glitter


True Love and High Adventure

A Cat of Impossible Colour

Another Girl, Another Blog

Girl With the Big Brown Eyes

The Holly and the Ivy

and Miss Corrine!

Each of you should tag 10 people... if there's any bloggers left!

I also received this award from Amanda, which requires me to tell 10 facts about myself! Here goes... Sorry if some of them are repeated, there have been a few fact-telling memes I have done!

1. I am really, really messy. Seriously. You would not want to live with me.

2. I really hate Sour Cream & Chives flavoured chips. They make me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

3. I prefer tea over coffee. I don't really like the taste of coffee, but drink it anyway!

4. I love winter, especially rain.

5. I take belly-dancing lessons!

6. I can play the piano and guitar. (But don't).

7. Most of my money goes on concert tickets. So far this year I've been to Southbound and Jeff Beck, with Coldplay, Of Montreal, Tim Minchin and Dylan Moran in the next couple of months! I'm so excited!

8. I've recently learnt how to cook and I love it! Although I do have to get over feeling a bit housewifey every time I make my boyfriend a meal :P

9. I don't drive.

10. I read really fast. To the point where I can finish a whole book in a couple of hours. It is kind of useful but annoying if I want to make a book last longer than, say, a day.

Aaand again with the tagging, I tag A Beautiful Dream, Monster Girl Writes, Skylark and Son and Lick My Cupcakes!

Phew! OK, now I am off to get ready for belly-dancing!




  1. cute outfit! i wish i could read as fast as you, it'd really help me with my literature degree!

  2. Too cute.

    award town. hooray. thank you kind lady.

    I really love sour cream & chives flavoured chips, but I think we can get past this in our friendship.

    and I am jealous you are seeing Mr Moran, I saw him last time. he is amazement.


  3. Enjoy Dylan Moran! I saw him a couple of months ago and he was incredible :)

  4. gorgeous outfit! i love the top especially. i will do that meme very soon :)

    oh, and just so you know, i've now moved to my own site, so if you could update it in your links that would be AWESOME :D

    it's www.halfaccidental.com

  5. Thanks for the award, that's very sweet of you! And I love your skirt. :)

  6. Hey hon,
    I didn't leave you off the v-day cards list, I just didn't have an address for you.
    bttrbec(at)gmail.com me a postal addy so I can get this in the mail for you.


  7. Cute outfit :)
    Love the sailor hat; and those red shoes, nice touch :)

    Congrats on the awards, btw ^_^


  8. Awww, thanks so much for the tag, love! <3

    I absolutely adore your outfit, and your poses! I am TERRIBLE at posing for photos! :p

  9. Oops! I just realised that I commented under my mother's name (she was signed into Google, and I didn't know!) - d'oh! Silly me!

  10. Hannah - Haha, it doesn't help when I'm studying media law!
    Stompface - I'm so excited! And you are welcome, even though you eat the devil's potatoes.
    Helen - I love him so much! I may marry him.
    Gem - Congrats! I will do so!
    a cat of impossible colour - Thank you!
    wildandpreciousart - Ooh thank you! Will do that soon :)
    Misty - They are a pain to walk in, though! It sucks.
    Tiara - Haha, I think I look like a wanker, but thank you!


Thank you for your comment! x

I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!