Click your heels together and say, "There's no place like home!"

So, my apartment's lease is up in May and then I will be moving! The next place I live in will actually NOT be a rental, how exciting! Well, technically I will be renting an apartment that my parents own, but basically I still have free reign to decorate it how I wish. I'm so excited, the apartment I'm living in now hasn't really felt like "mine", and I haven't done about three-quarters of the things I want to do, design-wise, because of renting restraints. So I have been a little gleeful about this new place, and started looking up things that will be very comfortable in my new house!

First of all, this gorgeous wall decal from JustMyLuckDesigns. OH MY GOD. I love it so much and can just imagine where it would go (above the sofa in the living room). I want to buy it now but OF COURSE that would mean it sits around until May. Boo.

I am looking at wall decals now, and if I had my way I bet there would be one in every room. They are fantastic! Pity I didn't title this article "Wall Decals I Would Love To Have In My Future Home". On Etsy, they seem to be especially cheap. Awesome! How cute are these little birds (from FreckledHound):

I think these would have to be my favourite teacups ever (perfect to serve gin out of, for that authenticity :P):

I can't decide between these sets of salt and pepper shakers. The chemistry set appeals to my inner nerd, but the penguins! So cute:

Although Boy & I don't live together, one thing that we both want in a dream house is a music room for record players, CD's, guitars and stuff. Hopefully in this apartment I can beat him to it and claim the idea as my own. Ideally, these would be in there (damn you and your US-only shipping, Urban Outfitters!!):

These are just beautiful.

And a gorgeous, musically-inclined chandelier for my bedroom (I want to say boudoir, but I remember a Will & Grace episode where Will and Karen mock Grace mercilessly for using the word boudoir without any sense of irony). Seriously, is this the most awesome thing you've ever seen or what? Courtesy of BePicky:

I could go on and on and on, but hopefully you've gained some interior inspiration already!



  1. that chandelier is so so amazing, & i LOVE the first wall decal. the font is gorgeous.

    that's so exciting! decoratinggg i am so jealous!

  2. SO. FREAKING. JEALOUS. that you get to decorate your apartment the way you want it! I dream of the day when I'll have that freedom... can't wait to see what you do with it!

    Also, that chandelier is awesome :D

  3. Aaah wow, I'm so jealous that you get to decorate! You've chosen some lovely things here, I particularly like the teacup!

  4. When do I move in?? lol

    I am now staying in my crappy little house for another year because I can't be bothered house hunting and mum says I can have her house next winter when her and Sarah move out. It's far, far away from uni, but her house is so cute and in my mind i have already decorated!

    Can't wait to see your new digs.


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!