What I Wore 27.02.09

This is what I wore to go and see Coldplay!

♥ Vest: Op-shop

♥ Singlet: Cotton On

♥ Shoes: Rubi

♥ Bangles - Diva

Coldplay were SO AMAZING, one of the best live bands I've ever seen! I know people either love them or hate them, but I think they're incredible. Also Chris Martin seemed really cool so I want to be friends with him. When they sang Yellow I had a massive grin on my face for the whole time! I thought it was a really good crowd too, which is pretty rare now!


  1. you look GORGEOUS in the second photo miss!

    & yay i'm glad coldplay were awesome :) i love them, but not that much.

  2. Gasp! You went to see Coldplay?! So jealous! I don't think they're playing around here, or I'd totally go!

  3. Your vest is so pretty, I love it! :D And you always amaze me with your flawless outfit poses.. I need to take tips from you, methinks! :D Glad to hear you had such a fantastic time :)

  4. amanda - Yeah, people either love them or hate them usually! :P I don't know what it is about them (the band, not the people!)
    Misty - I honestly wasn't expecting that much from them, I'd heard they were not that great live, but OH MY GOD! If you get the chance, go!
    Miss_Corrine - Thank you, lovely! Your comments always pep me up :)


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!