"Florals... for Spring... groundbreaking".

So, like I mentioned in my post yesterday, I am on a ban from letting any more floral print enter my wardrobe. I have waaaay more floral dresses than I know what to do with! I feel like a horticulturalist!

Sadly, this means that none of these lovely dresses will be entering my wardrobe soon. But, I thought that I would show them to all of you so you can inject your sartorial choices with a little flower power...

Spring is definitely in the air!


  1. Ohh, they are beautiful! I want them all, ahh.
    I really really love The Parker Dress and Hydrangea Dress and Afternoon Tea Dress :) :)

  2. i love that last blue dress of yours! & the love heart dress is gorgeous. i just bought a floral dress of f21, i think it's called the garden party dress or something? anyway i love it & unlike you have only hmmm two? other florals in my wardrobe, so i'm excited!

  3. Story.of.my.life. I need to stop buying dresses. I'm trying to figure out how to wear them in the fall. Thoughts?

  4. surely you could make an exception for the hydrangea dress? Or maybe the afternoon tea dress? Too pretty!

  5. Ooh, I'm the opposite. I've decided I need more floral in my wardrobe. The May Bouquet dress is quite tempting. Yay for spring!


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