What I Wore 09.09.09

You wouldn't think I would leave you without photographic evidence of such a day with such perfect numerical order, did you?

This is what I wore out to dinner with Boy. It was $13 steak night at the Como Hotel, which we usually go to. I took it as an excuse to wear one of the dresses I picked up in my vintage haul a few weeks ago.

♥ Vintage MaxMara Weekend dress
♥ Black tights
♥ Siren wedges
♥ Peacock headband from Sportsgirl

It hasn't been a very exciting few days for me! One of my units for uni is stressing me out in a MAJOR way. It's my radio unit for journalism and we are meant to organise interviews, record them, edit them and write them up in four hours. The first week was fine but for the last two weeks NO ONE has agreed to be interviewed. Once they hear that you're a student journalism then any interest they have flies out the window. It is extremely irritating! It has just been a shitty couple of weeks in general.

How has your week been going? Better than mine, I hope!


p.s If you have linked my blog, first of all, thank you! Second, I bought a domain, so please change your links to http://www.gininateacup.com/! To celebrate my move to a little, paid-for patch of internet, I thought it would be kind of nice if everyone - from lurkers to regular readers - made a comment with your name and your blog, so I can link it! Thanks guys!


  1. So adorable!

    I hope you don't mind me saying that you really remind me of Zooey Deschanel in these photos.

  2. I agree with Ms Constantine- you look adorable and are totally channeling the lovely miss Zooey, who happens to be a favorite of mine.

    Congrats on the domain!

  3. was that from new edition? i had a brief peek in there the other day & think i might need to head down this weekend :)
    but anyway you look AMAZING, that dress is so beautiful & just perfect on you.
    seriously, when the photos loaded i was just like :O
    umm yes anyway i hope life picks up for you soon :(

  4. Elegance and femininity with a hint of lolita in my eyes.

    It gives off an innocent aura o^w^o - <3

    xoxo SM

  5. what a lovely find! i hope your uni work gets better :)

  6. That dress looks lovely on you. I like how you've offset the pale colour with solid black on the bottom.

    Congratulations on the domain-change, I will update my link :)

  7. you do look very Zooey in these pics!! i love it!!!

    i did a similar radio journalism course in my degree... painful painful! good luck with it!

  8. Ms Constantine - I am very flattered, thank you! Your comment totally made my day! :D
    thegoodgirlgoneblog.com - Yes she is a favourite of mine too! I think the comparisons are due to Boy's photography skills more than anything!
    amanda - It wasn't from there, I can't remember the exact name of the shop :O ! It was just from a little vintage shop in a courtyard? It took a bit of sifting through to find it!
    ♥ SM - Thank you! :D
    Helen - Haha, me too! It sucks because it's not even the type of journalism I really want to get into... but it's a long way to the top etc.
    harbourmaster - Thank you! I was a bit worried the beige would wash me out so I picked the most heavy-looking shoes I have :P
    Death Wears Diamond Jewellery - Thank you for your sympathies! I hope it gets a bit easier or that I can actually, you know, get an interview with someone in the next TWENTY YEARS.

  9. Cute dress! Congratulations on your 200th post and on your new piece of the net. In case of beige fear, looong skinny scarves just draped are good ways to introduce colour without breaking the line of the dress. Or looong jewellery, ditto.

  10. gosh you're adorable in that dress! i love black opaque tights!

  11. :O That dress is SO pretty, I looove it! Hope you're having a lovely day dear :)

  12. Ah I am so lazy I finally updated your link :) your dress is so cute!

  13. Gin Fancier - I might try a scarf with it next time, I hadn't thought of that! Thanks!
    Harry McKinley - Thank you! I love your blog!
    christa elyce - Aw you are lovely! I am kind of not looking forward to summer because I love my tights! :P
    Dapper Kid - Yay, I am glad you are back blogging! Thank you :D
    Poppy - Thanks for that! I think it is one of my new favourites now...

  14. As per, absolute fabulousity!!!!!


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