What I Wore 02.09.09

Thank you for your sweet birthday messages on Monday! I got a new camera so I will be looking forward to taking many, many more daily outfit photos!

I ordered a dress from Modcloth awhile ago (it was the one on my birthday wishlist, as a matter of fact) and it arrived today - unfortunately just before I went to uni, so I had to wait through two hours of presentations before I could try it on! I love it so much. However I am now on a self-imposed ban from floral dresses as I have way more than a twenty-year-old should probably have...

I'm still figuring out the settings on my camera, so please bear with the weird lighting in some pictures!

♥ Dress from Modcloth
♥ Black tights
♥ Sportsgirl heels from about five years ago
♥ Ring from Diva
As well as a camera, I received a lot of fantastic presents for my birthday! My lovely boyfriend got me Singstar 80's (because I have wanted it for about six months!), a digital photo frame, and this little toy pup since we aren't allowed a real dog. I have named him Sam (after Sam from True Blood).

And some other wonderful things...
It's coming up to my blog's 200th post, and I just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates recently. Believe me, it's more annoying to me as I think of people sitting around bored at work not getting Gin in a Teacup articles, but due to some personal stuff and of course work and uni I haven't had much time or inclination to write. But I have some articles in the works and hopefully I will get my butt into gear and start writing them, planning more, etc. Thanks for continuing to read while it is in a bit of a lull, your comments and general loveliness is much appreciated! ♥


  1. YAY Birthdays! You look so pretty! :D

  2. oh that dress is amazing. i am beyond jealous.

    the teacup and saucer is adorable also.

    happy birthday for monday :) :)

  3. that dress is amazing & you look GORGEOUS! <3

  4. very pretty dress! Don't take this the wrong way, but with the hair and the tights, you almost look like you could be subtitled 'goth in springtime'. I think they do a very good job of funking it up. Not that it really needs funking. It's pretty cool just on its own. Glad you like the teacup. Have a gin for me! (and btw, just a teeny tiny bit jealous about the Vogue)

  5. Hi Tara!
    Thanks for featuring our dress on your blog! I am delighted to hear that you are happy with your purchase! Happy belated birthday!
    <3 Aire

  6. Happy belated birthday, dearest! You look beautiful and I'm glad you had such a special day. Much love! <3


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!