Pushing Daisies

Oh Ned <3
A few weeks ago, I got out the first season of Pushing Daisies and LOVED it! It was quirky, cute, funny and all around lovely. I think one of the main reasons I fell in love with it was because of the stylish ways of the leading lady, Chuck - Andrea from a cat of impossible colour has named her as a style inspiration and I would have to agree with her!
So basically now I am on the lookout for:
♥ dressing in one block of colour
♥ wearing headscarves and sunglasses wherever I go
♥ pale skin, red lips and cat's-eye makeup
♥ vintage-inspired prints
♥ 50's silhouettes
♥ cardigans over full skirts
♥ blunt fringes and soft waves for hair
♥ an optimistic disposition
♥ an exceptionally cute pie-man to call my own

Have you seen the show? Do you like the style? I haven't seen all of the episodes yet, so please, no spoilers!



  1. Love her style but didn't love the show. Good luck in your new fashion quest!

  2. I really want/need to find a cardigan. I only have one that I really wear and it's white. The other is a bit to small and falling apart lol.

    Good luck for the lookouts :D

  3. I love Pushing Daises, I just finishing watching all of seasons 1 & 2 with my boyfriend. So magical!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!