Little Things, Australia Day Edition

Hello! I am a little bit in shock that January is almost over. Time has been flying and I have been keeping myself immersed in very awesome creative things, including lots of writing. It's been pretty crazy so far but I'm so looking forward to what the rest of the year is going to bring!

I'm long overdue for a big catch-up post, but for now I thought I'd show you some of the Instagram photos I snapped on Australia Day. I was really happy because this day included two of my New Year's resolutions: to spend more time with people who make me happy, and to take more photos! I spent the day sitting in a blow-up pool, drinking cider, heading down to the park to play cricket, getting caught in a freak rainstorm, eating pizza, and spending almost all day breathless from laughing so much. It was pretty fantastic.

You might also notice my new hair! One of my friends dyed and cut it for me the night before. It's taking me some getting used to having it so short, what do you think?

I'm usually not really one for Australia Day. Don't get me wrong, I love living here, but I despise the whole "We're full, fuck off" and "It's sooo un-Australian if you don't get blind drunk and go and start fights while watching the fireworks" mentality. But spending it with a bunch of cool peeps, shooting water pistols, listening to the Triple J Hottest 100 (which was a particularly fabulous mix this year, don't you think?) and having fun... yeah, I could definitely get behind that.



  1. This looks so great! It has been way too long since I have lounged about in a kids paddling pool.

  2. ooooh! looks like an amazing day! wish my australia day was that good!

    oh and from what I can see of your hair it looks great! can't wait for an outfit post to get a better look! excited!

  3. I'm with you - Australia Day has gotten terrible these last few days. Sounds (and looks) like you guys had it right!

    Love the shorter hair! Can't wait to see more pictures.

  4. Definitely with you on the Australia day mentality - I hate "Fuck off, we're full." Looks like your days was pretty good though!

    P.S. I like the short hair!

  5. Dirty Granny is the best cider!
    Looks like you had the perfect Australia Day


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!