Pretty models, Dansk magazine, and fantastic clothes

I found these incredibly gorgeous photos on foto_decadent (where else?). They appeared in Dansk magazine and were photographed by Hasse Nielson. Not only do I love the photos, but the clothes! They are delicious.

I think that the first photo is my favourite, the model (Heather Marks, if you're interested) looks so striking. As for the clothes, I really can't go past the dress in the sixth photo! Wow!
Which is your favourite? You can find the rest of the photos here, if you want more!


  1. Oh wow, those are gorgeous. I love foto decadent. I am in love with the 6th photo- the dress is crazy-amazing, and I don't knwo what it is, I love her stance. Something about models looking awkward and insecure appeals to me. I love pose.

  2. Great photoshoot! I love the colours here. And the clothes are awesome!

  3. Annie - Haha, they are pretty amazing! And very Annie Spandex-like.
    Em - foto_decadent is the best! I loved all the shots from this photoshoot, it's one of my favourites from there!
    Miss Karen - With a lot of photoshoots I don't necessarily notice the clothes as much as the photography itself, but this one the clothes just jumped out! Great styling.


Thank you for your comment! x

I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!