What I Wore 13.04.09

Hello! I am looking forward to doing some more outfit posts while I am in Bunbury and NOT in Perth looking frantically through boxes of things to find my camera connector cord - to no avail, might I add.

I am having a lovely time with my family in their newly painted house. Today I made everyone come and see The Boat That Rocked (which I had already seen with Boy, but I knew it was a movie my music-loving papa would adore). This is what I wore to The Boat That Rocked, viewing deux:

♥ Pink Floyd tee: Boy's

♥ Shorts: Big W (they were part of my Amy Winehouse costume!)

♥ Shoes - out of shot, oops: Rubi

♥ Bangles: A mix of Diva & unidentifyable

♥ Peacock earrings: ICE Accessories

I had to add a cardigan because Bunbury is COLD! I am used to it being at least 30 degress+ in Perth (even though I love colder weather...). And tomorrow I am off to the movies AGAIN to meet up with one of my favourite people EVER (I'm so excited!!).

If you haven't seen the movie yet, then go! It is fantastic and has an awesome soundtrack, and an even better cast. Or you could just go for these two reasons:



  1. *swoon*

    Whats that? I swap Jude from Across the Universe for Midnight Mark?



Thank you for your comment! x

I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!