The Claudia Kishi Dress

You guys remember the Babysitter's Club (or the BSC), don't you? In fact, I know a lot of you do because we talked about it in a post I did ages ago. Anyway, I got this dress at the vintage markets at the Beaufort St Festival on Saturday, and I thought it was very much a Claudia Kishi kind of dress. Not only is it this weird mustardy-goldy-yellow colour, but it also has random pictures of heart shaped glasses, a line of washing, rainbows, sneakers, and the words 'shoe' and 'star' written sporadically into the pattern. Oh my lord!

I wore it literally the day after I got it because I couldn't wait to take its craziness out into the world. My boyfriend very kindly took these photos for me before we went out for Nando's and he bought me a pin-up poster. I also found the latest BUST magazine at Planet Books, so I was a very satisfied girl indeed. Then tonight we are planning to eat pizza and watch Boardwalk Empire (if you follow me on Twitter you'll know how truly, truly obsessed I am with that show), so it is a pretty perfect end to a pretty perfect weekend.

I feel like I should mention that all the sellers from the vintage market were so polite and helpful, especially the ladies from Awoke on a Whale Heart and Oh Henry!, which is where I spent all of my money! There was such an overwhelming selection on display, and I have to give credit to my lady Lisa for being so patient while I ran around trying things on and tossing up between buying silly things like dresses with tribes of people printed on them or bird necklaces that were actually whistles as well.

Vintage dress via Awoke on a Whale Heart Vintage // Wittner loafers // Sportsgirl bag & sunglasses // Diva bow earrings 

I sometimes wonder when I will stop buying vintage dresses with crazy prints on them. Is there really a point where you become "too old" to wear dresses with little sailboats or cats or turtles or puppies on them (and yes, all of those dresses are in my collection!)? After a long and unfortunate spell in high school where I was way too concerned with dressing for other people, and definitely not wearing clothes I was comfortable in, I've since decided that wearing whatever makes me happy and is a little fun and crazy is the way to go. I love clothes that have a story and that are a little bit different (incidentally, I'm so intrigued as to who would make this dress in the first place!), and it doesn't matter if people give me the stink-eye or the WTF? face from time to time, clothes are meant to be fun!

Well this post has become a bit long and rambly and I had intended to keep it short and sweet after yesterday's Goliath post! I hope you're all having a fabulous start to the week.



  1. ahh that dress looks incredible! excellent choice indeed!

    also, <3 bsc <3

  2. Oh Tara that dress looks divine on you! :) xo

  3. Haha, cute! Dressing for fun is so much more FUN than dressing for 'fashion' :) Xoxox

  4. ah! you're adorable in all that golden yellow. Those glasses make it extra-awesome :D

  5. what a colour! again, mass envy for being able to go to bofo - always next year. you look cute as a button - maybe cute as a daisy is more appropriate here? x x tess

  6. So cute! I love the Lolita Sunglasses and planes! Great colour that you should be so happy to be able to pull off, I swear only 10% of the whole world could rock that frock! I miss finding gems in Planet Books, must pay a visit to Perth soon! Great blog!

    - Jenelle

  7. I can't think of better fashion advice than "Dress like Claudia Kishi."

  8. Lisa - BSC 4EVA
    alexis - Oh thank you! I mainly bought it for the print but it's a really cute shape as well, I love it!
    Miss Claire - I'm glad you agree! I figure I could either be comfortable & happy in vintage dresses or silently suffer in leggings and crop tops!
    Bella Blithely - Thank you! I hardly ever buy sunglasses but I think I'm going to have to start collecting them, they really do add to an outfit!
    Tess - That comment was lovely, thank you! :D Yes hopefully BOFO next year, maybe a blogger's meet up is in order!
    Janelle - Thank you so much! I was just happy to find a shade of yellow that didn't make me look ill, haha!
    Jessica - It really should be a new fashion mantra, I believe!


Thank you for your comment! x

I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!