Gold Dust Woman

On Wednesday night I met up with the babeliest of babes, my fellow fashion blogger Lisa. We went on a bit of a lady date that included delicious cheeseburgers at Jus Burgers, drinks at Ezra Pound, and running around Northbridge taking silly fashion blogger snaps.

Willow skirt // Portmans tee // Lovisa headband // Jasmin flats // Sportsgirl bag // Diva earrings 

If you've been reading for a while, you might remember that I wore almost this exact same outfit (okay, yes it was the exact same outfit) way back in March to watch Best Coast. Luckily the gold on the skirt didn't flake nearly as much as last time - I don't know if you can tell from the photos, but the gold is actually painted (or something) on to the skirt, not part of the print - but still enough for me to leave little specks of gold dust on everything, hence the title of the post!

I wish I could wear this skirt more often, but I'm having a hard time pairing it with anything other than a black shirt and black flats. Any ideas?

This was outside this amazing vintage homewares shop, I would buy everything in there if I had the money! There were some amazing old phones, a huge palm tree lamp (!!) and this amazing indoor bar. I swooned heavily. And then scurried away when I saw how expensive everything was...

...But playing with the light-up floor at the new state theatre is free and just as entertaining. 

And posing on a wooden gecko is always fun too.

After that we headed on down to the Flying Scotsman, where unfortunately the photos ended because everyone was too busy trying to find outdoor seating and not get beat up in the process. People take the seating very seriously at the Scotsman, it would appear. With about ten people crammed around two tiny tables I wasn't game enough to take out my camera (especially when you factor ten-dollar jugs of beer and multiple wine bottles into the mix!). 

Thanks for reading this mammoth post! You'll have to travel on over to Hug-Sized to get the details on what Lisa was wearing and see even more photos of her pretty face. I should have some more posts up this week; I'm going to the Lomovember opening at Pigeonhole on Friday and the Beaufort St Festival on Saturday so hopefully there will be photos aplenty! 


p.s I got to 200 followers on my blog this week, so thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to everyone that reads and follows this blog! I really appreciate your love and support. xx

Fleetwood Mac - Gold Dust Woman


  1. I'd put the skirt with a printed top! I get a bit funny about being matchy matchy sometimes, and I can see why you're always pairing it with black, but I think if you had black shoes or necklace or something the black band wouldn't look out of place.

    Does the scotto still have that stupid rule where you can't drink outside without sitting? No wonder it's a bunfight!

  2. Shame about the skirt, that's odd it's painted. It's super pretty. I adore that Sportsgirl bag, I have it too! It's just like the Stella McCartney citrus print from awhile back! High end look without the price tag x x tess

  3. Your outfits are amazingly awesome! I need to start wearing more of these types of skirts. I have a pile stashed at the back of my cupboard.


  4. Howww have I never seen or heard of this vintage store in Perth (shock horror!!) Although I'm sure I'll only get upset when I can't afford anything inside haha I lurvveeee Ezra Pound though :) I also love finding Perth girl bloggers!! :) In terms of what to pair that gorgeous gold skirt with - I say be bold and agree with harbour master...Go for prints :)It'll add a bit of fun and extra statement to the skirt.

    Anna xo

  5. harbourmaster - Ugh yes, the Scotto still has that stupid rule where you can't stand up outside and drink, and you can't sit down and smoke. Which makes finding chairs very difficult! I have thought of wearing the skirt with a printed top but I'm not sure what kind of print to go for... stay tuned though! ;D
    Tess - Oh, I didn't even realise it was "inspired" by Stella McCartney! I'm really in love with fruit prints at the moment for some reason, so when I saw the bag was $10 I had to snap it up!
    Lauren - Thank you, your comment made my day! You SHOULD wear the skirts more often, it's so much fun to twirl around in them!
    Anna - I wish I could remember the name of it now, but I can't! It's right across from the train station though, and it's mainly a homewares vintage shop (but still gorgeous!). I think I'll definitely pair the skirt with a printed top next, thanks!


Thank you for your comment! x

I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!