Little Things 16.11.11

Hello friends! I don't think I mentioned it on the blog, but recently Vodafone made a huge screwup and accidentally cut off my phone. It took me over a month to sort it out and I was sadly iPhone-less for a while, instead having to revert to a $10 mobile I bought from Kmart. While I didn't miss having the internet on my phone, or being able to do my banking while I'm out, or even the nifty built in iPod, what I really missed was having a camera on me at all time! So that's why there haven't been many Little Things posts lately. But, I have been Instagramming with a vengeance since I got it back, so here's my latest batch of photos...

{Miscellaneous jewellery in a teeny little dish from Sportsgirl}

{Super pretty vintage dress from Etsy that's on my wishlist!}

{Some vintage dresses from the BOFO markets}

{Pretty flowers I saw while I was walking to my friends' house}

{Awesome print of my new Modcloth dress!}

{Lanterns I've hung up for Christmas - they're from Typo if you're interested!}

{On my way to review Twilight - bleh - with one of my new vintage dresses & Diva ring}

There you go! Just some little snaps from what I've been up to lately. I've been a bit busy with work - both my writing and my day job - but apart from that it's been all about Boardwalk Empire, cleaning my house to host people at Christmas and hopefully New Year's Eve, practicing some DIYs to put on the blog (!!! Very excited about this one) and trying not to spend too much money (not doing so well at this one). Oh, and if you do want to follow me on Instagram, my username is gininateacup - I'd love to see your photos too!




  1. ohh I love those lanterns you've put up in your backyard, they look magical.

  2. i love these photos, i agree up there!- the lanterns do look very magical :) x


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!