Happy Halloween!

Hello again! These photos are a little late, but I've just got settled back into my house after it's been rewired. Hooray for proper lights and a much lower chance of being electrocuted!

I know you might have seen this cardigan before, but I only get one day a year to wear it so you had BEST BELIEVE it comes out every Halloween. Thankfully it was a pretty chilly day today instead of the 35ºC weather we'd been having so I could actually justify wearing it.

Op-shopped jumper // ASOS dress // Razzmatazz tights // Valleygirl flats // Pigeonhole bone bangle and cleaver earrings

I just took these on my point and shoot camera before going to a friend's house for Halloween, so they're not the best quality - hence the black and white. But I think that makes them look a little more eerie for Halloween, maybe? I'm still pretty bummed that I didn't get to wear my Peg Bundy costume anywhere. I mean who gets sick over Halloween? How rude.

In keeping with the Halloween theme, here's some songs that are on my Halloween playlist!

And you can see the jumper in last year's Halloween post, right here! Although the photos there are on my Macbook, so they're not much clearer. Maybe I will never get a good picture of this jumper? It's a HALLOWEEN CURSE, I tells ya.



  1. That jumper is amazing! I don't think I could not wear it all year round!

    1. Haha I just feel like I never get the chance to! Only two people actually got that it was a Halloween jumper when I wore it ON HALLOWEEN!

  2. That cardigan is totally boss! I would wear it EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    1. I need a whole range of holiday themed ones! I don't even see any tacky Christmas jumpers anymore :(


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!