What I Wore 19.01.09

Hello lovely people! I am currently at my mum and dad's house in Bunbury, which is currently being painted, and trying not to inhale too many fumes so I don't get dizzy and fall down the stairs or anything. Anyway! Since I have been on yet another sporadic posting schedule, I will try to blog as much as possible while I am down here. In between reading girly/trashy novels and gorging myself on Mama Lloyd's home cooking. OK?

This is what I wore to coffee with one of my friends, it was his birthday recently and so I bought him a little anime schoolgirl figurine (which he loved) and a Darth Vader action figure (which he rolled his eyes at). These things have to be done, you know. I got this dress for $20 in the sales, which isn't bad considering I had been ogling it ever since my trip to Melbourne in August last year. It is a size too big but I loved it too much to let it go! That may have been a major oversight since the straps keep falling down which risks boob exposure, but oh well.
Dress: Dangerfield//Shoes: Rubi//Earrings: Diva
The print on the dress//Anime fun!//A close up of the earrings
I love these little robot guys. I got them for something crazy like $3. I had a major obsession with robot jewellery a while back. I already have a blue and red robot necklace somewhere.
As for what else I've been up to, I had a job interview on Friday (at this place). I'm not sure how it went, but I don't think it's too great a sign that I haven't heard from them... But please keep your fingers crossed for me!

Also, on Sunday I met up with the usual lovely blogging ladies to go to a retro market hosted by Sugar Blue Burlesque. It was OK, there were STACKS of people though, so it made it a bit hard to look at any of the clothes, let alone try them on. I ended up with a dress and a cute cardigan though, which I will undoubtedly wear at some point in the near future and put on here. Actually, I am planning to wear the dress out to dinner on Wednesday, so... stay tuned?

I kind of wish I had more to update about but the life of the unemployed, it is not so interesting. Made less interesting that I saved up all week for this retro market so I barely left the house. Lame! Well, I am glad to have a computer back (for the moment) so I can update you with all my rambling posts. Aren't you glad?



  1. that dress is so awesome! & the second photo is too cute :)

  2. That print is amazing!! & I love the Anime figurine, so cute!

    =) hope you get some enjoyment out of Funbury!!

  3. Your dress is ADORABLEEE! Oooh I really hope you hear from Elizabeths! <3

  4. That dress is gorgeous! (I can take the straps up for you if you want. Or make Em do it. Someone :)

    Do you love being a broke student? so much fun. Not.

  5. The dress is lovely! I'm sure it wouldn't be too big a job to shorten the straps. :) Good buy!

    And good luck with the job hunt.

    A xx

  6. Such a cute dress - maybe a belt would help with the too-bigness as well?


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!