My 2009 was filled with awesome memories, family, great friends, new friends, new jobs, favourite people, a wonderful boyfriend, moving house, music, new experiences, a new fashion direction, lots of blogging!, learning what it is I want to do, lots of doors being open, lots of times had that I wouldn't change for anything.

I don't really have any resolutions yet, I would like to focus on a few things but I think that resolutions have way too much pressure on me! The number one thing I want to focus on in the new year is looking after myself, in all areas: eating more healthily, cutting negative people from my life, and so on - basically looking after my mind, body and spirit and being nicer to myself!

I plan to put a lot more energy into my little baby (this blog) because it's one of my favourite things to do & I'm glad that it puts me in touch with all of YOU!

Happy New Year to you, your friends and family, and I'll see you in 2010!




  1. I'm glad you had a great '09 - but wishing you an even better 2010! x

  2. Happy new year and congratulations for your blog. It's very nice.
    Greetings from Spain :)


Thank you for your comment! x

I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!