What I Wore 20.12.09 + Market Goodies!

This is what I wore the day after the markets. I was so exhausted from being out in the sun all day and no food (too hot to even contemplate eating!) that I missed a Christmas party I was went to go to, oops! Instead I ate pizza (not a good idea after eating nothing all day) and watched season two of 30 Rock, which is my current obsession.

I wore these shoes to the markets and OH MY GOD, my feet are ripped to shreds. Obviously I don't expect much from $30 shoes from Rubi but I can't even contemplate wearing them again. I bandaged up my feet and tried to wear them again today and shrieked in pain. Just a warning!
♥ American Apparel dress
♥ Rubi shoes
♥ Frank the Deer brooch from My Girl Gwendoline
♥ Headband from My Girl Gwendoline

The headband and brooch were made by my friend Renee of My Girl Gwendoline. The brooch was a thank you for helping at the market and the headband was a Kris Kringle present. I feel very lucky! If you are so inclined you can pick up a brooch here.

Anyway onto what happened at the markets - it was INSANELY hot. There was about an hour when I just zoned out and felt like I was going to vomit, it was so hot! But all that aside, it was quite nice to browse and see all these Perth designers putting out such awesome stuff. In my previous post someone commented that they were surprised there weren't many clothing designers showing, which I was surprised about too. Don't get me wrong, the jewellery there was fantastic, but I thought there would be way more people selling original designs, not op-shop gear. Anyway here's some of what I picked up:

Gun brooch by OSIER - check out the rest of her stuff, it's gorgeous!

Mix tape brooch from White Square

...and I can't remember the name of the shop which had the deer pillow!

OK, that's more than enough out of me!



  1. Lovely dress - the headband is a lovely touch :)

    great brooches too!


  2. That mix tape brooch is adorable! Good to see you blogging a bit more lately too :)

  3. I love your outfit, especially that cute headband, shame about the shoes though!

  4. I NEED that pillow:D

  5. Hahahaha, soooo- those exact shoes. Yes. I bought them about 1/2 hour before reading your blog. :P

    But, for $7.50, what can you expect, ha ha.

    I love that pillow, you should definitely sell it to me :P


  6. Friend in Fashion - Thank you, I was pretty stoked to get it as a present!
    Monster Girl - Thanks lovely! I've got a bit of a blogging rythym(?) going so hopefully more posting = happy bloggy friends!
    Kate @ Tres Lola - Eh, it's what I get for buying cheap shoes :P
    Walk the Sand - I think the brooches are available on the websites, the lady who made the pillow didn't have a website I don't think!
    Anonymous - Haha lots of love for the pillow! Maybe it should be the Gin in a Teacup mascot?

  7. Wasn't osier awesome? I want EVERYTHING! And Ava got a cute elephant from that Bosha (??) store, too cute. We died of heat too - I would have stopped for a chat, but Ava screamed everytime we stopped for more than a few seconds and I was close to delirious from heat. Glad to see I wasn't the only one.

  8. As I mentioned in a previous post, I wish there had been more garments by designers. It seems to be a trend lately where people go to an op-shop, buy up loads of tat and on-sell at markets. Would love to see more original work by up and comers as are more common at markets in the East (though they too have some op-shop tat sellers)

    I did see you on market day and planned to say hello, but you looked so miserable and hot I thought you probably didn't have the energy to make polite conversation! So I left and got a Rainbow Paddlepop - and it was awesome!

  9. You look lovely in your Market Goodies outfit! I definitely feel your pain when it comes to donning uncomfortable shoes. I have a lovely black pair of wedges that have left permanent red marks on the backs of my heels. Yesh!

  10. That's such a lovely dress, and the headband adds a really cute touch!

  11. i had such a nice time chatting to you too :)

    xo Lauren


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