What I Wore 10.12.09

My Modcloth dresses arrived this morning, so I wore one of them to go and have lunch with one of my most lovely friends.
Not sure what is going on in this photo?
The Clothes Horse dress from Modcloth - it's sold out right now but you can be notified when it is back in stock!
♥ Steve Madden flats
♥ Sportsgirl headband
♥ Earrings from Boy's sister, hard to see (I always forget to take detail photos of my earrings & whatnot) but they are little birds

Me trying to prove I have a waist... somewhere in this dress!
I am really happy with this dress. I read the reviews before I bought it, some of which stated that it was a bit on the short side. I'll admit that it is a bit shorter than dresses I would normally wear, but not uncomfortably so. On a hot day like today it seemed much easier to let it be a big ol' tent of a shift dress - and I was kind of digging the 60's groovy housewife vibe - but I think from now on I will belt it so I don't look so much like a munchkin! If you are interested, here is how the dress's namesake blogger remixed it.

I also got my uni results back and got two distinctions and a credit, yay! As I have mentioned before, it was easily the most difficult semester of uni for me so I was really really happy.

Apologies for the kind of short post!



  1. you pull it off well! love the flats.

  2. That dress is just gorgeous on you, I love it!
    Congratulations on your results.

  3. christa elyce - Thank you! I pretty much live in these shoes, I desperately need some new ones!
    Vintage Vixen - Thank you so much! x


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!