"Skull Candy" by Tarina Tarantino

I've seen Tarina Tarantino's jewellery on fashion blogs before, most notably Gala Darling's, and have always loved the over-the-top, sparkliness and unabashed girliness of her pieces. While I love all the Swarovski-crystal studded hearts and oversized bows, my favourite line of hers was that inspired by Day of the Dead. Ever since I saw Mondo's last collection on Project Runway, which was heavily inspired by Dia des los Muertos, I've been really interested in learning more about it. I love the hyper bright colours used, the imagery of the skulls, and finding out the meaning behind it.

Sugar Skull "Portrait" Cuff Bracelet, $95 (my absolute favourite!)

Gorgeous, right? I love the detail in them, especially how intricately the roses are made. All the pieces can be purchased through the Tarina Tarantino website (where I got the images)... or on eBay by some sneaky hunting. Remember a few blog posts ago when I said I never buy investment pieces of jewellery because I go for the gaudy, over the top pieces? Can this possibly be... both?



  1. her day of the dead collection is also my favorite. I adored the skull brooches that she released. too bad it wasn't in my budget *sigh*

  2. I get the feeling you are gonna like my upcoming etsy store :D


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!