What I Wore 06.11.10

Today I realised that, even though I've been to A LOT of 21sts this year, I have taken outfit photos for... maybe two? And one of them was mine. And even then I didn't get very good pictures. I think it's because I don't get ready until the last minute and then I'm rushed out the door and don't get photos. But, today I made the effort. The photos aren't the greatest because I am still getting used to using my tripod and self-timer! Also not sure why it looks like my door is on some crazy angle...

 Romance Was Born for Sportsgirl dress
Op-shopped shoes
Sportsgirl bow ring
Diva hair bow

I am still loving my red hair! I am a bit sad that it clashes with a few of my dresses now, though. Especially this gorgeous, gray-blue Willow dress that I actually had been planning to wear to this 21st. Luckily I think I can get away with wearing this frilly pink concoction. I bought it on sale (hooray!) to wear to a 21st earlier this year. It's so beautifully light and flouncy, I love it; I loved the whole RWB for Sportsgirl collection actually. I have three pieces from it!


p.s It's not actually the 21st I'm going to tonight, but I DO want to say happy birthday to my lovely friend Richenda! She is one of my closest friends and pretty much the loveliest person you will ever meet. Much love!


  1. Oh wow that dress is amazing!! Fab twirly photo!

  2. I know what you mean about having red hair, I pretty much wore solely black while my hair was that colour!

    That dress is mighty lovely, it looks awesome on you :)

  3. that hair is seriously perfect on you, wish i could pull it off! and i LOVE that dress, i never saw it in-store.

  4. God, that dress is FABULOUS on you! One of the prettiest, most fashionable of your outfits yet! :D You're so cute!

  5. Tara, you look AMAZING! Your dress is so beautifully coloured and gosh, you sure do pull off red hair with magnificent aplomb, don't you?!

  6. you look delightful! what a fun dress :)

    x amie

  7. That dress is gorgeous (like you!). Romance is Born always comes out with some amazing designs. You look fabulous!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!