Sweet Nothings

Here are some little shots from around the place.

1. Stella McCartney for Target bracelet
2. Pugs & books
3. New Miu Miu inspired shoes from eBay
4. Frankie poster, IKEA frame



  1. Funniest thing, I JUST paid for the exact same pair of shoes on Ebay! Great minds think alike I guess!

    P.S. the new camera produces some lovely pictures!

  2. I love 'Like I Give a Frock'. Beautiful artwork. It always makes me smile ♥♥

  3. i have the same ikea frame! love it.

  4. I swear we must be separated at birth, I have that same frame and that same print on my wall, I have been craving those pug bookstands for ages now and I almost bought those Miu Miu replicas the other day! Crazyyy!

  5. great photos :D


  6. Hmmm did you take down the lopsided bewby post? I was laughing at your twitter and i didnt get to see said bewbs!

  7. Such lovely pictures - I just stumbled across your blog and am loving it already :)

    Sally x

  8. I love those Mui Mui heels so much!! When I saw them on The Cherry Blossom Girl I almost died. Good purchase!

  9. Monique Ceccato - You'll love them! They're really easy to walk in as well!
    nonfiction_fiction - I haven't read it all yet! I bought it for my friend's birthday last year and then I got it as a 21st gift this year!
    Megan - Thank you! They were a gift from my sister. I love them!
    nicolette - It's so lovely. I love it!
    The Velvet Bow - Ahh! We must have a bloggers meet up some time!
    Karolina & La Michelle - Thank you!
    April Rose - Haha yes I did! It was a little too booby for my tastes!
    Louder Than Silence - Aw thank you! :)
    Charming Charlie - I WISH they were real Miu Miu! They are just lowly replicas that I got for $60!


Thank you for your comment! x

I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!