What I Wore 22.11.10

Hello again! It seems like ages since I have actually written a post. I'm sorry! I wish it were a case of real life being so exciting, but unfortunately it has just been work and a cold keeping me miserable and away from my computer. I took the day off today, though, so here's my sick day ensemble.

Op-shopped skirt
Witchery singlet
Rubi flats
Cat necklace from Pigeonhole

Thanks to my sister for the photos!
I adore this skirt. I bought it on a whim (for $7!) when Cam and I were opshopping, and I'm so glad I did! It's handmade, and it poofs out a bit all on its own. I think it is still a tiny bit too long, though. It's not quite long enough to be full length, and hits me mid-shin, which is a look I think only people taller than I can pull off!

I also loved the singlet, until it got ruined in the wash. Now it is oddly starchy and makes pssssf noises whenever I pull on it. But, unlike the Sportsgirl singlet from my now-deleted recent outfit post, it is comfy and, most importantly, it keeps me decent.

Now I am off to write write write and cook butter chicken for dinner! Mmmm.



  1. That skirt is gorgeous! What a great opshop find.

  2. Very cute :) I love that little necklace!

  3. Heart your kitty necklace!

    Love Ms Stef...

  4. I actually adore that necklace. I want one. Right now.

  5. aww what a cute necklace - I would totally wear that! xx

  6. love your cat necklace, it's so cute!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!