Home Love

I was so excited when I found out that Urban Outfitters were shipping to Australia! I haven't really checked out their clothes before (and don't really want to, since they do sell shirts that say 'Eat Less'. I mean come on. Sort that out, UO), but I LOVE their range of lovely things for your house! Here are my favourites...

Animal Friends Mug Spoon Set, $24
I really, desperately want a cat. BUT, my sister/housemate strongly disagrees with this (in my birthday month! I know, right?). I GUESS I could settle for this mug with the little cat poking its head out of it OH ARE YOU FOR SERIOUS THAT IS ADORABLE. I mean.

Circus Waffle Maker, $30
OH COME ON. I've only been to the circus once - my mum never took us because she thinks circuses are cruel, and for that I am kind of glad - but HOT DAMN I would be all over these circus waffles.

50's Birdcage Duvet Cover, $58-$68
I just got a new quilt - duvet, doona, whatever - and I have yet to put a cover on it. The problem is, it is the fluffiest, most efficient dust-collecting quilt I have ever SEEN and I have been waking up with a scratchy throat, a fine coating of dustballs all over my hair and pajamas, and sneezing over and over and over. I haven't yet found a suitable cover for it but I think that this one will be on its way to me very soon.

Colours Wall Art, by Forrest Lucero, $38, and Home Is Where You Are print, $38
The print on the left reads "I think of you in colours that don't exist", and if I can get past the American spelling of 'colors' then I would happily hang this on the wall and look at it and sigh happily and try to imagine colours that don't exist while I think about people I like. And the 'Home is Where You Are' print reminds me of the Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes song ('Home', obvs), even though it is slightly different wording. Which, of course, equals happiness.

Darth Vader alarm clock, $42
If anyone ever bought this for me I would probably kiss them. On the lips. I think that Urban Outfitters has stolen my dreams (TOPICAL) and put everything that I would ever want to furnish my home with on their site. And things I didn't even know existed LIKE THIS, the raddest alarm clock ever. I cannot say that I wouldn't be a bit freaked out if I looked over to it in the night, though.

Astrological Jewelery Stand, $18
A while ago I saw a diagram of how to read palms and was really into it... for about ten minutes, until I figured out that I would be no good at it whatsoever and was probably offending people who actually knew what they were doing. But, at least with this jewelery stand, I could pretend I knew what I was talking about! And, you know, hang my necklaces off it and stuff.



  1. Haha! That quilt is adorable! And I'm totally getting a darth alarm for bf's birthday (shhhh)

  2. Oh man, I want EVERYTHING. Especially that cup. And the duvet cover (doona cover) and the Darth Vader alarm clock.

  3. Amazing post! I love urban outfitters but do they really sell shirts that say 'eat less' on them? That is so bad! I want that birdcage bedspread, its great!

  4. I NEED that Circus Waffle Maker. NEED IT NOW.

  5. These items are all rather amazing, but I think I like the waffle maker best!

    x The Velvet Bow

  6. The circus waffle iron is the coolest thing ever! I also love the doona cover.


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!