What I Wore 03.08.10

I always get unreasonably excited around the start of August because it is MY BIRTHDAY MONTH (that's right, I count the whole month as being primarily Tara-based). However, today I went to my Print Production tutorial and am basically quietly wetting my pants because it sounds SO HARD AND TRICKY. We have to produce a newspaper and do layouts and InDesign and all this fancy shiz and it kind of makes me want to crawl back into bed and never write another word again FOR FEAR IT IS NOT WITHIN CURTIN'S JOURNALISM STANDARDS.

Anyway. This is what I wore:

Target jacket
Pixies shirt
Sportsgirl skirt
Black tights
Black Lipstik flats
'T' Scrabble tile ring, from a vintage shop in Fremantle

Um... yes that is a Totoro lying on the floor.

It is only a super-quick post because I already have stacks of uni work. A few weeks ago I was all "Oh, I can't wait to get back to uni and start using my brain again and not be so bored". Hmph.



  1. Print Production actually ended up being one of my favourite subjects in Journalism. I liked getting to be a little bit creative. I love the jacket, it looks like one I was going to buy from Cotton On, I regret not buying it now.

  2. It's my birthday month too, yaaaayyy!

    I very much like this outfit, smart and journalistic but chic and youthful too.

    Ps. InDesign is A BASTARD

  3. simple and sweet outfit. good luck with the class.

  4. Tarz, don't stress about the class. When I was not much older than you are now, I took on publishing a whole magazine without knowing anything about how it was done and I lived to tell the tale - and learnt stuff that I am still using to this day in the process. Admittedly, if I had known how much I didn't know I might not have done it, but that would have been woosy and dumb, so it was just as well I didn't. You'll be fine. You might even have fun!

    And btw, the word verification word is 'presses', which I am sure is a good omen!


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